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Marine debris collected at Cape Shirreff during the Antarctic season 2000/01

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Delegation of Chile
Agenda Item(s)

The eighth annual beach debris survey was carried out at Cape Shirreff (62º 28' S., 60º 48' W.), Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica during the austral summer 2000/2001. All debris were collected once a month during January and February 2001 from 36 places, just when the snowmelt occurred.
The debris were counted by beaches, measured, weighed and classified into four categories: Plastic, metal, glass, and paper. A total of 1,774 articles was studied, with a weight of 124, 5 kg. As it used to occur during all previous Antarctic seasons plastic material was the most abundant item with 1,736 articles which represent 97.86% of the total. The other items consisted of metal, 15 articles (0,85%), glass, 16 articles (0.90%), and paper, 7 pieces (0.30%).
It is important to note that 589 plastic bands were found at the site, which represent 34% of all plastic items. From these bands, 40 were ringlike, and 48 had the form of loops with knots. This is an evidence of an act against the Conservation Measure 63/XV, and against the Annex IV of the Madrid Protocol. Besides, several articles, mainly plastics, were total or partially oiled, as well as a single wing of a kelp gull Larus dominicanus, and as it occurred in previous seasons, some plastic articles were found partially burnt.
Sixty three plastic items were identified as of Korean origin (3.6%) including several printed plastic bands, corresponding to a 51% of the total identified items. For the first time it was recorded an article from Philippines.
It is necessary to reinforce the CCAMLR plan to divulge the poster and cards calling to all Parties to cooperate with the protection of the marine environment.