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Experimental acoustic estimation of bathypelagic fishes biomasses from the South Georgia and Shag Rock shelf areas with trawl sampling (RV Atlantida, February 1996)

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Sunkovich, V. Yu., Frolkina, G.A., Severin, V.A., Abramov, A.M., Yorobyov, V.M., Polischuk, M.I., Bukatin, P.A., Shnar, V.N.
Agenda Item(s)

Experimental acoustic survey in shelf areas off South Georgia and Shag Rocks in CCAMLR Subarea 48.3 aimed at demersal fishes abundance and distribution assessment is described. Data on trawl stations location, catch length compostion, per cent proportion of various fish species in trawls samples, data of biological and oceanologica3 researches are presented. The data on target strengths obtained in- situ for icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari), the latter per cent proportion in trawl catches, velocity and length-weight factors, affecting the genera3 estimation of biomass are analysed.