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    Proposal to establishing limits on use of continuous fishing system for the krill fishery in the Area 48

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    Delegation of Ukraine
    Submitted By:
    Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko

    Since 2005 a total catch of Antarctic krill in the Subarea 48 was constantly increasing, remaining, however, below the trigger level of 620 000 tons. Analysis of the catch data shows that an intensity of krill fishing was slightly growing with use of traditional (conventional) trawls (krill catch by conventional trawls in 2019 is up to 46% higher than such catch in 2008), however, the increase was much more significant in terms of the use of the continuous fishing system (the catch for krill in 2019 using the continuous fishing system was recorded at 460% of that in 2008).

    Taking into account a step by step expansion of the continuous fishing system in the CCAMLR area, which can be considered as a strong factor for possible degradation of krill fishery by traditional (conventional) trawls, there is proposed to implement to the Conservation Measure 51-07 a limitation for the continuous fishing system fishery within the Area 48, establishing that only up to 70% of the total allowable krill catch can be harvested with the continuous fishing system.