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Mapping research capabilities of CCAMLR Members in Domain 1 with focus on the D1MPA Research and Monitoring Plan

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Delegations of Argentina and Chile
Submitted By:
Mrs Marina Abas
Approved By:
Dr Enrique Marschoff (Argentina)

As part of the initial stages towards the development of a Research and Monitoring Plan (RMP) for the proposed Domain 1 Marine Protected Area (D1MPA), we identified the need to map the extensive research being undertaken by Members that can potentially contribute to this plan. This mapping exercise initiated with national surveys and workshops at both the Argentine and Chilean Antarctic institutes (IAA and INACH, respectively), and intends to extend to other stakeholders interested in Domain 1. Understanding the importance of working on a comprehensive and multinational RMP, and true to the open spirit of the proponents, this paper provides a preliminary Survey on Research in Domain 1, highlighting that individual contributions do not imply agreement or acceptance for the D1MPA proposal by any Member State or Observer. Broad participation is encouraged, and comments and suggestions from interested stakeholders in relation to this survey, based on their experience and expertise, are welcomed at any stage.