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    Full Name
    Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment
    Hobart, Australia
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Submissions Due
    Monday, 26 September 2022 - 09:00 Australia/Hobart (Working Group Paper)

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    Meeting Report:
    e-sc-41-a09.pdf (3.25 MB)


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      Review of the Rules for Access and Use of CCAMLR Data
      Chair of the Data Services Advisory Group (DSAG)
      More Info
      Fishery Notifications 2022/23
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      Reconciliation of CDS data with monthly fine-scale catch and effort data
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      Proposals and comments on developing a krill resource management strategy for Area 48 in revising krill fisheries management in Subarea 48.1
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      More Info
      Catches of target species in the Convention Area
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      Proposal for complex acoustic and trawl surveys for the mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) estimates in the CCAMLR Statistical Subarea 48.3
      S. Kasatkina
      More Info
      The application of electronic monitoring in CCAMLR fisheries
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      More Info
      Proposal for a Workshop to enhance the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP)
      C. Waluda, M. Collins, M. Korczak-Abshire, J.-H. Kim, G. Milinevsky, A. Kato and S. Olmastroni
      More Info
      Report of the Chair of the Scientific Committee on the CCAMLR Scientific Committee Symposium
      Chair of the Scientific Committee
      WG-FSA-2022/01 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Report of the Co-conveners of the Workshop on Conversion Factors for Toothfish (Virtual Meeting, 12 and 13 April 2022)
      Workshop Co-conveners (Mr N. Walker (New Zealand) and Mr N. Gasco (France))
      More Info
      Icefish spawning aggregation in the southern Weddell Sea including discussions and recommendations from WG-EMM-2022
      K. Teschke, M. Eléaume, R. Konijnenberg, P. Brtnik and T. Brey
      More Info
      Fish by-catch in the krill fishery – 2022 update
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      An update from the Secretariat on outstanding issues in krill fishery data relating to the reporting of by-catch, green weight estimation parameters and two-hourly catch reporting for continuous trawling vessels.
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      Compendium of catch limit overruns from the 2018 to 2022 seasons
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      Analysis of the risk of exceeding catch limits in the krill fishery using daily reporting
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      Results from the 2022 random stratified trawl survey in the waters surrounding Heard Island in Division 58.5.2
      D. Maschette, T. Lamb and P. Ziegler
      More Info
      A preliminary assessment for mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) in Division 58.5.2, based on results from the 2022 random stratified trawl survey
      D. Maschette
      More Info
      Update on the Heard Island and McDonald Islands Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery in Division 58.5.2
      P. Ziegler
      More Info
      Summary of environmental data collected during the Dissostichus mawsoni exploratory fishery in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2)
      C. Miller, T. Lamb, P. Ziegler, J. Lee, S. Chung, C. Péron and N. Gasco
      More Info
      Tag linking – 2022 report
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      Factors influencing conversion factors in CCAMLR toothfish fisheries
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      2022 trend analysis – Estimates of toothfish biomass in research blocks
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      CCAMLR Marine Debris Monitoring Program, 2022
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      Preliminary analysis of seawater temperature(T) and salinity(S) in the southern part of Subarea 48.6, research blocks 3, 4 and 5 with CTD data sampled by FV Tronio in 2020 and 2021
      T. Namba, R. Sarralde and J. Pompert
      More Info
      Genome-wide analyses indicate a lack of population structure in Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean (CCAMLR Subarea 48.6).
      S.B. Piertney, P. Brickle, J.H.W. Pompert and A. Douglas
      More Info
      Proposal to conduct a local acoustic-trawl survey of Champsocephalus gunnari in Statistical Subarea 48.2
      Delegation of Ukraine
      More Info
      Trophodynamics of the Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Antarctic Peninsula Subarea 48.1: prey composition and fatty acids profile
      K. Pérez, C. Cárdenas, F. Santa Cruz, M. González-Aravena, P. Gallardo, A. Rivero, K. Demianenko and P. Zabroda
      More Info
      A condition assessment and handling guideline for skate (Rajiforms) by-catch in longline fisheries: Lessons from the Southern Indian Ocean
      J. Faure, R. Jones, M. Grima, C. Péron, N. Gasco, T. Lamb, P. Ziegler and J. Cleeland
      More Info
      Preliminary study on the use of the vertebrae centrum in the age determination of skates in Crozet and Kerguelen waters
      J. Faure, J.M. Caraguel and C. Péron
      More Info
      Report on fish by-catch during Dissostichus mawsoni exploratory fishing in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 (2016–2022)
      C. Péron, F. Rajaonalison and P. Ziegler
      More Info
      Recent trends in finfish by-catch from the krill fishery in Area 48
      C.D. Jones
      More Info
      Developing the two-area population CASAL model for stock assessment of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) at the Subarea 48.6
      T. Okuda and Y. Osawa
      WG-FSA-2022/24 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Report of research fishing operations at Subarea 48.6 between the 2012/13 and 2021/22 fishing seasons
      Delegations of Japan, Spain and South Africa
      More Info
      Updating the model for the variability of egg and larval transport of Antarctic toothfish under the extreme SAM event in the East Antarctic region (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2)
      M. Mori, K. Mizobata, K. Kusaharaand T. Okuda
      More Info
      Continuing research plan for Dissostichus spp. under CM 24-01, paragraph 3, in Subarea 88.3 by Korea and Ukraine from 2021/22 to 2023/24
      Delegations of the Republic of Korea and Ukraine
      More Info
      Diet composition and feeding strategy of Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni, in the Area 88 for the exploratory longline fishery of Korea in 2022
      G.W. Baeck, S. Chung and J. Lee
      More Info
      Geographical diet variations of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in Area 88 of CCAMLR
      S.R. Lee, S. Chung, J. Lee and H.-W. Kim
      WG-FSA-2022/29 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Population genetic structure of Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni from Subareas 88 in the Antarctic Ocean based on 21 microsatellite markers
      H.-K. Choi, H. Park, S. Chung, J. Lee and H.J. Lee
      More Info
      Evaluation of proposed stratum-scale catch limits for the krill fishery in Subarea 48.1 to assess whether they are likely to be precautionary
      S. Hill, C. Darby, T. Dornan and G. Watters
      More Info
      Proposed workshop on integrating climate change and ecosystem interactions into CCAMLR science
      R. Cavanagh, M. Collins, C. Darby, T. Dahlgren, M. Eléaume, S. Hill, P. Hollyman, S. Kawaguchi, B. Krafft, E. Pardo, P. Trathan, A. Van de Putte, N. Walker, G. Watters and P. Ziegler
      More Info
      About results of age determination of the Dissostichus spp. and Macrourus spp. from the research longline catches in Subarea 48.1 by Ukrainian vessel CALIPSO in 2019–2021
      P. Zabroda, I. Slypko, A. Bazhan and I. Mytiai
      More Info
      Update on the VAST (vector autoregressive spatio-temporal) modelling of grenadier relative abundance in Subarea 48.6
      K. Sawada, A. Grüss and T. Okuda
      More Info
      Preliminary integrated stock assessment for the Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) fishery in Divisions 58.41 and 58.4.2
      P. Ziegler, C. Miller and D. Maschette
      More Info
      Alternative proportional recruitment estimates for Subarea 48.1 based on reanalysis of the US AMLR data series
      Y. Ying and X. Zhao
      More Info
      Otolith chemistry reflects local stock connectivity of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) between research blocks in Subarea 48.6: an updated report
      G.P. Zhu, L. Wei, T. Okuda, R. Sarralde and S. Somhlaba
      More Info
      Proposals to standardise the collection and processing of krill acoustic survey data
      S. Kasatkina and A. Abramov
      More Info
      Proposals to increase the efficiency of the tagging program in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2
      O.Y. Krasnoborodko and S.M. Kasatkina
      More Info
      Where we are for the revision of CM 51-07
      Y. Ying, Y. Zhao, X. Zhao, X. Wang and G. Fan
      More Info
      2022 Ross Sea shelf survey results
      J. Devine and M. Prasad
      WG-FSA-2022/41 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Proposal to continue the time series of research surveys to monitor abundance of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the southern Ross Sea, 2022/23-2024/25: Research Plan under CM 24-01
      Delegation of New Zealand
      More Info
      Update of skate tagging program in the Ross and Amundsen Sea regions
      B. Finucci and B. Moore
      More Info
      Update of age and growth validation of skates in the Ross Sea region using mark recapture
      B. Finucci, C. Maolagáin and J. Pompert
      More Info
      Report of the Workshop on the Ross Sea Data Collection Plan 2022 (Virtual Meeting, 11 and 12 August 2022)
      Workshop Co-Conveners (N. Walker and L. Ghigliotti)
      More Info
      Proposed medium-term research plan and data collection plan for the Ross Sea toothfish fishery
      J. Devine, M. Pinkerton, B. Moore, B. Finucci, A. Grüss, A. Dunn, J. Fenaughty, E. Pardo and N. Walker
      More Info
      Review of progress against the medium-term research plan for the Ross Sea region toothfish fishery
      J. Devine, M. Pinkerton, B. Moore, B. Finucci, A. Grüss, A. Dunn, J. Fenaughty, E. Pardo and N. Walker
      More Info
      Monitoring by-catch species in the Ross Sea region toothfish fishery
      B. Moore, A. Grüss, M. Pinkerton and J. Devine
      More Info
      VAST (vector autoregressive spatio-temporal) modelling of macrourid relative abundance in the Ross Sea region to support by-catch management
      A. Grüss, B. Moore, M. Pinkerton and J. Devine
      More Info
      Characterisation of the toothfish fishery in the Ross Sea region through 2021–22
      A. McKenzie, J. Devine and A. Grüss
      More Info
      Summary of the toothfish fishery and tagging program in the Amundsen Sea region (small-scale research units 882C–H) to 2021/22
      A. McKenzie, J. Devine and A. Grüss
      More Info
      Implementation of the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation during 2021/22 and an update to commercial data forms and manuals.
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      A draft workplan to progress management strategy evaluations of the CCAMLR trend analysis rules
      A. Dunn, P. Ziegler, J. Devine and the CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      A tool for creating simulated survey outputs from longline data
      M. Kerr and T. Earl
      WG-FSA-2022/56 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Fishery characterisation for Patagonian toothfish around South Georgia (Subarea 48.3)
      J. Marsh, T. Earl and C. Darby
      WG-FSA-2022/57 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Assessment of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Subarea 48.3
      T. Earl and L. Readdy
      More Info
      Assessment of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Subarea 48.3: Assessment diagnostics
      T. Earl and L. Readdy
      More Info
      Maturity and growth estimates of Patagonian toothfish in Subarea 48.3 between 2009 to 2021
      J. Marsh, T. Earl, P. Hollyman and C. Darby
      More Info
      Preliminary tag-recapture based population assessment of Antarctic toothfish in Subarea 48.4
      T. Earl, A. Riley and J. Marsh
      More Info
      Revised VME Taxa Classification Guide toothfish fishery – version 2
      J. Devine, D. Tracey, S. Mills, D. Macpherson, D. Gordon and E. Mackay
      More Info
      Helminth diversity in teleost fishes from the South Orkney Islands region, West Antarctica
      T. Kuzmina, O. Salganskij, K. Vishnyakova, J. Ivanchikova, O. Lisitsyna, E. Korol and Y. Kuzmin
      More Info
      Fatty acids linkage between mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) and Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) at South Georgia
      G.P. Zhu and J.Y. Zhu
      More Info
      Otolith shape as a tool for species identification of the grenadiers Macrourus caml and M. whitsoni
      B. Moore, S. Parker and M. Pinkerton
      More Info
      Comparative biology of the grenadiers Macrourus caml and M. whitsoni in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica
      B. Moore, S. Parker, P. Marriott, C. Sutton and M. Pinkerton
      More Info
      Whale depredation in the South Georgia Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery in the South Atlantic: a comparison of estimation methods
      T. Earl, E. MacLeod, M. Söffker, N. Gasco, F. Massiot-Granier, P. Tixier and C. Darby
      More Info
      New research plan for the Dissostichus mawsoni exploratory fishery in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) from 2022/23 to 2025/26; Research plan under CM 21-02, paragraph 6(iii)
      Delegations of Australia, France, Japan, Republic of Korea and Spain


      Expand All Annotations | Expand All Documents | Collapse All

      1     Opening of the meeting

      The meeting will start with an introduction by the Convener and information to delegates on administrative, technical and organisational matters.

      2     Adoption of the agenda

      The annotated agenda has been prepared anticipating the current topics form Members and the 2016 Strategic Plan. Once the agenda is adopted, subgroups will be developed and scheduled for the consideration of particular issues.

      3     Review of data available

      The Working Group will review data available on CCAMLR fisheries, updated catches in the Convention Area, fishery closures and closure mechanisms, fishery notifications for the upcoming seaosn, any updated illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) information, and recommendations from the other CCAMLR working groups that give context to the work of WG-FSA.

      3.2     Report of the Ross Sea Data Collection Plan workshop

      The Working Group will review the Co-conveners’ report from the Ross Sea Data Collection Plan Workshop.

      WG-FSA-2022/44 Report of the Workshop on the Ross Sea Data Collection Plan 2022 (Virtual Meeting, 11 and 12 August 2022)
      Workshop Co-Conveners (N. Walker and L. Ghigliotti)
      WG-FSA-2022/45 Proposed medium-term research plan and data collection plan for the Ross Sea toothfish fishery
      J. Devine, M. Pinkerton, B. Moore, B. Finucci, A. Grüss, A. Dunn, J. Fenaughty, E. Pardo and N. Walker
      WG-FSA-2022/46 Review of progress against the medium-term research plan for the Ross Sea region toothfish fishery
      J. Devine, M. Pinkerton, B. Moore, B. Finucci, A. Grüss, A. Dunn, J. Fenaughty, E. Pardo and N. Walker
      4     Fish stock assessment and management advice
      4.1     Icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari)

      The Working Group will review any submitted papers on population abundance of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) for established fisheries in the CAMLR Convention Area and provide any updated management advice.

      4.1.1     Assessment of C. gunnari in Subarea 48.3

      The Working Group will review any assessments for icefish in Subarea 48.3.

      4.1.2     Assessment of C. gunnari in Division 58.5.2

      The Working Group will review any updated information submitted on population status of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Division 58.5.2.

      4.2     Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.)

      The Working Group will review any submitted population assessments of toothfish in the CAMLR Convention Area and develop management advice.

      4.2.1     Assessment of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Subarea 48.3

      The Working Group will review data and stock assessment of D. eleginoides in Subarea 48.3 based on any papers submitted.

      4.2.2     Assessment of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Division 58.5.2
      4.2.3     Assessment of Antarctic toothfish (D. mawsoni) in Subarea 48.4
      4.3     Biomass estimation for toothfish from trend analysis

      The Working Group will review updated biomass estimates using trend analysis and management advice for the data-limited toothfish stocks (under Conservation Measure (CM) 22-01) and research fisheries (under CM (24-01).

      5     Research fisheries

      This agenda item will discuss the research plans submitted under exploratory fisheries CM 21-02 and research proposals submitted under CM 24-01 and provide management advice on the plans

      5.1     Research plans in exploratory fisheries under CM 21-02 and management advice

      The Working Group will review papers for research plans under under CM 21-02 and advice to the Scientific Committee will be generated.

      5.2     Research proposals and notifications under CM 24-01 and management advice

      The Working Group will review papers for research fishery plans and research proposals under CM 24-01 and advice to the Scientific Committee will be generated.

      5.2.1     Subarea 48.2 icefish survey
      5.2.2     Ross Sea shelf survey
      5.2.4     Research in Subarea 48.1
      6     Non-target catch and incidental mortality associated with fishing

      The Working Group will review submitted papers pertaining to fish by-catch noting that recent virtual meetings did not allow these issues to be considered due to time constraints. Any advice to WG-FSA resulting from WG-IMAF discussions will be taken uder this agenda item. Any updated management advice will be provided by target fishery.

      6.1     Macrourids

      The Working Group will review any submitted papers on by-catch poulation modelling, by-catch population status and by-catch management related to macrourid species.

      6.2     Skates

      The Working Group will review any submitted papers on by-catch population modelling, by-catch population status and by-catch management related to skate species.

      6.3     Management of VMEs and habitats of particular concern

      The Working Group will review any submitted papers on vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) and habitats of particular concern, especially those relating to the VME workplan, incuding VME taxa identification, distribution and protection related to VMEs or other areas such as fish nesting areas.

      6.4     Ecosystem structure and function

      The meeting will review papers submitted describing ecosystem structure and function that are not associated with the effects of fishing

      SC-CAMLR-41/BG/33 Proposal for a Workshop to enhance the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP)
      C. Waluda, M. Collins, M. Korczak-Abshire, J.-H. Kim, G. Milinevsky, A. Kato and S. Olmastroni
      WG-FSA-2022/18 Trophodynamics of the Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Antarctic Peninsula Subarea 48.1: prey composition and fatty acids profile
      K. Pérez, C. Cárdenas, F. Santa Cruz, M. González-Aravena, P. Gallardo, A. Rivero, K. Demianenko and P. Zabroda
      WG-FSA-2022/31 Proposed workshop on integrating climate change and ecosystem interactions into CCAMLR science
      R. Cavanagh, M. Collins, C. Darby, T. Dahlgren, M. Eléaume, S. Hill, P. Hollyman, S. Kawaguchi, B. Krafft, E. Pardo, P. Trathan, A. Van de Putte, N. Walker, G. Watters and P. Ziegler
      WG-FSA-2022/P01 Helminth diversity in teleost fishes from the South Orkney Islands region, West Antarctica
      T. Kuzmina, O. Salganskij, K. Vishnyakova, J. Ivanchikova, O. Lisitsyna, E. Korol and Y. Kuzmin
      WG-FSA-2022/P02 Fatty acids linkage between mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) and Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) at South Georgia
      G.P. Zhu and J.Y. Zhu
      7     Krill (Euphausia superba)

      Following the substantial discussions on krill in WG-ASAM-2022, WG-SAM-2022, WG-EMM-2022 and further intersessional discussions in the e-group, the Working Group will look at further updating any recommendation from WG-EMM-2022 that could be taken to SC-CAMLR-41. These issues will include any papers submitted on updated Grym modelling work, spatial overlap analysis of krill predators with fishery areas, and revisions to CM 51-07.

      8     Scheme of International Scientific Observation

      The Working Group will consider recommendations from the Workshop on Conversion Factors for Toothfish and any subsequent analysis following the workshop. Other observer-related submissions such as recommendations from the Ross Sea data collection workshops, revisions to observer, catch-effort forms, or instruction manuals to improve data collection procedures will also be reviewed under this agenda item.

      9     Future work
      10     Other business

      The Working Group will discuss any papers submitted under other business, noting that if meeting time does not allow high-priorty issues to be completed, then papers submitted under Other business may not be considered.

      11     Advice to the Scientific Committee

      The Secretariat will compile advice to the Scientific Committee from the Working Group report under this agenda item.

      12     Adoption of the report and close of meeting.

      Draft schedule as of 18/10/2022 0900 AEST. Note that this schedule is indicative only and is likely to be modified at any time, including at short notice, depending on the needs of the meeting.

      The schedule should be updated daily. Note that subgroup discussions will not be streamed.

      Day Date Morning 1 Morning 2 Afternoon 3 Afternoon 4
      Monday 10 October 1 Introduction

      2 Adoption of the agenda
      3 Review of data

      3.1 Catch management
      4 Fish stock assessment

      4.1 Icefish
      3.2 Ross Sea Data Collection plan
      Tuesday 11 October 4.2 Toothfish

      4.2.1 Toothfish assessment 48.3
      4.2.2 Toothfish 58.5.2

      4.2.3 Toothfish 48.4
      4.3 Biomass estimation from trend analysis 5 Research fisheries

      5.1 Research under 21-02 (Area 48)
      Wednesday 12 October 5.1 Research under 21-02 (Area 58) 5.2 Research under 24-01 (Icefish, Ross Sea Shelf Survey, 88.3, 48.1) 5.2 Research under 24-01 (Icefish, Ross Sea Shelf Survey, 88.3, 48.1) 6 Non-target catch (krill/all species)
      Thursday 13 October Report back from subgroups

      6 Non-target catch (krill/all species)

      6.1 Macrourids

      - 48.3 Alistair, Wombat

      - 24-01 Annex, Dale, Convention Room
      Report back from Subgroups

      6.2 Skates
      6.3 Management of VMEs

      6.4 Ecosystem structure and function
      Friday 14 October 5.2.3 88.3 Research

      6.4 Ecosystem structure and function

      - Icefish survey 48.2, Tim, Convention Room

      - 88.2, Philippe, Wombat Room

      - Icefish survey 48.2, Tim, Convention Room (cont)

      - Research plan reviews, Takehiro, Wombat Room (cont)

      - RSRDCP, Nathan, Convention Room

      - Research plan reviews, Takehiro, Wombat Room

      - 48.3, Alistair, SCAF
      Saturday 15 October        
      Sunday 16 October        
      Monday 17 October 7 Krill 7 Krill 8 SISO Subgroups:

      - Krill by-catch sampling, Guoping, Convention Room

      - RSRDCP, Nathan, Convention Room

      - 48.3, Alistair, SCAF Room
      Tuesday 18 October Subgroup reporting 48.3/ krill mgt advice


      - RSRDCP, Nathan, Convention Room

      - Icefish 48.2

      - Research plans

      - 58.4.1
      Subgroup reporting

      RSRDCP/ Icefish/ Research plans/ 58.4.1


      - Krill by-catch sampling, Guoping, Convention Room

      - Krill management advice, So, SCAF
      Subgroup reporting

      Krill Mgt Advice

      Krill by-catch sampling


      - 48.3
      Subgroup reporting on 48.3

      Krill Mgt Advice
      Wednesday 19 October 9 Future work 9 Future work (cont.)

      10 AOB
      Thursday 20 October Adoption Adoption Adoption Adoption