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Revised Management Plan for Cape Shirreff ASPA 149

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
P.A. Penhale (USA) and V. Vallejos Marchant (Chile)

Cape Shirreff is designated as Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) No. 149 through the Antarctic Treaty. The Management Plan for Cape Shirreff has been revised as part of the five-yearly review process required by the Madrid Protocol. The management plan has been updated with recent data and scientific publications and on the basis of detailed Inspection Checklists completed by United States and Chilean personnel who have recently been working within the Area. Management provisions have been updated to comply with current policy accepted within the Antarctic Treaty System. Air access guidance clarified through the designation of a Helicopter Access Zone (route of aircraft access) and a Restricted Zone (zone where all aircraft are prohibited). The boundary of the Protected Area has not been changed. Maps accompanying the Management Plan have been revised to reflect updates to air access guidance and other minor revisions to the Management Plan. Protection afforded to the Cape Shirreff CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP) site under Conservation Measure 91-02 has been rescinded and protection now continues under the management plan of ASPA No. 149 (SC-CAMLR-XXVIII, Annex 4, paragraph 5.29). The revised management plan for Cape Shirreff is presented to WG-EMM for consideration for endorsement and acceptance by CCAMLR and the ATCM.