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Recommendations from a cross-sector workshop on krill fishing and conservation in the Scotia Sea and Antarctic Peninsula region

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
S. Hill, R. Cavanagh, R. Downie, C. Knowland and S. Grant (United Kingdom)
Submitted By:
Mr Doug Cooper (CCAMLR Secretariat)

In June 2014, the ICED programme, the British Antarctic Survey and WWF co-hosted a two day workshop entitled “Understanding the objectives for krill fishing and conservation in the Scotia Sea and Antarctic Peninsula region” which involved participants from the science, conservation and fishing industry sectors. This report summarises the key initial conclusions and recommendations from the workshop. There is broad cross-sector commitment to maintaining a healthy ecosystem and support for management of the krill fishery that minimises the risk of the fishery negatively impacting ecosystem health. This accord could be strengthened by articulating a clear research and development strategy to support progress in the management of the krill fishery; broadening participation in WG-EMM to include other sectors and areas of expertise; and improving the availability of key information to all sectors.