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Proposal for a krill biomass survey for krill monitoring and management in CCAMLR Division 58.4.2-East

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
S. Kawaguchi, M. Cox, N. Kelly, L. Emmerson and D. Welsford
Submitted By:
Dr So Kawaguchi
Approved By:
Dr Dirk Welsford (Australia)

Australia plans to conduct a krill biomass survey in Division 58.4.2 East during 23 January to 25 March 2021. The survey will estimate krill biomass with a view to update the precautionary catch limit for krill. A krill observatory mooring system will also be deployed during the survey to further monitor seasonal dynamics of krill in the seasonally ice covered area. The survey is also designed to improve our understanding on the connectivity of the krill population, and overlap between krill and predators. A deeper understanding of all these factors will support the design of a tractable and sustainable long-term monitoring plan and spatial management (small-scale management unit) of the krill fishery in East Antarctica. We welcome any suggestions and comments from the Members to improve our survey. Final survey plans will be submitted to SG-ASAM and WG-EMM in 2020.