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Diagnostic model of functioning of Antarctic krill population in the Cooperation Sea

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
V. Belyaev and M. Khudoshina (Ukraine)

Being prepared by a collective of authors, this paper demonstrates some approaches to mathematical modelling of Antarctic krill population in the Cooperation Sea. The choice of investigation area is not casual since there are data on YugNIRO long-term observations over kri11 biological state here, its stocks, other pelagic system components, inhabitancy conditions, landing by FVs for the period from 1978 to 1984 and 1988.
The objective of the researches was to reveal causes of sharp fluctuations in krill abundance in the Cooperation Sea basing on mathematical modelling. The main task was to assess variations in parameters of the ecosystem and its staunchness against their impact.
A possibility is shown to apply logical-information modelling for future creation of a prognostic model of functioning of Antarctic krill population.