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Geographic aspects of Euphausia superba resources exploitation

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
R.R. Makarov (Russia)
Agenda Item(s)

Data on distribution and biomass of E.superba aggregations at Atlantic sector and near adjacent waters (subregions outside of the Scotia Sea are under pecular attention) are observed. Concentration of E.superba of the same order of biomass volume as in the Scotia Sea were observed at several subregions along the peripherie of Weddell Gyre and also nearshore of Antarctide. Offshore concentrations of E.superba show increased spatial irregularity. Development of fisheries activity in these new for catching areas should include the preliminar getting of knowledges on changeability of E.superba aggregation distribution prior to practical using of observed pattern of that changeability. It requires of additional complex of investigations, which should be directed to the evaluation of drift ways of E.superba as well as related changeability of aggregation location in the open-ocean environment. Exploitation of offshore aggregations of E.superba will be connected with regular search activity prior as well as at the course of every fishery season (year).