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    On the scientific observation and krill escape mortality in the krill fishery

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    Delegation of Ukraine

    For several years (2006-2009) the Ukraine has been proposing that international or national scientific observer onboard krill fishing vessel became mandatory. In 2008, the Ukraine highlighted the magnitude of the scientific uncertainties and data gaps that are hampering progress with regards to the subdivision of the precautionary catch limit among SSMUs in Area 48 (CCAMLR XXVII/43). Because the CCAMLR scheme of international scientific observation is nowadays the main basic source of data that can fill existing uncertainties, the Ukraine proposed to enhance Conservation Measure 51-06 so as to provide more systematic coverage by international/national scientific observers in the krill fishery. Krill escapement mortality - and the methods to determine it - is closely connected with the need to have systematic observer coverage in the krill fishery. Experiments to estimate krill escapement mortality should be introduced on all krill fishing vessels that carry scientific observers onboard. To conduct krill escapement mortality experiments it is proposed to amend the Scientific Observers Manual, including a new suitable section to the Observer Cruise Report. The need to have observers collecting data on krill escapement mortality emphasizes the need to have a comprehensive observer program in place for the krill fishery.