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    A proposal to report marine casualties to CCAMLR

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    Delegations of the USA and New Zealand

    The delegations of the United States and New Zealand propose to amend CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-02 (Licensing and inspection obligations of Contracting Parties with regard to their flag vessels operating in the Convention Area) to require an investigation in the event of a very serious marine casualty¹ involving a fishing vessel². Such investigation will result in the preparation of a report to be shared with the Commission. The proposal is consistent with Article 94(7) of the Convention on the Law of the Sea with respect to fishing vessels operating under CCAMLR’s jurisdiction in the Southern Ocean.

    ¹ For the purposes of this conservation measure, the term “very serious marine casualty” would mean accidents or events caused by or involving a vessel that result in total loss of the ship, loss of life, severe damage to the marine environment, serious injury to its own or another State’s nationals, or serious damage to its own or another State’s ships or installations.

    ² For the purposes of this conservation measure, “fishing vessel” would mean any vessel of any size used for, equipped to be used for, or intended for use for the purposes of fishing or fishing-related activities, including support vessels.