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    A practical revision to CM 51-07 that distributes catches and increases catch limits in Subarea 48.1

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    G.M. Watters and J.T. Hinke
    Submitted By:
    Dr George Watters
    Approved By:
    Dr George Watters

    We propose a revision to CM 51-07 that would distribute catches and increase the catch limit in Subarea 48.1. This revision utilizes all three elements of the agreed management strategy for the krill fishery, and we provide a brief rationale for selecting each element. In general we selected parameters for the Generalised Yield Model in R (Grym) that are scientifically defensible, applied an alternative decision rule that allows for fishing even when recruitment is variable, followed the advice of WG-ASAM by using best available biomass estimates while also using the lower 95% confidence bound when there was only one survey in a particular stratum, and chose a risk-assessment scenario that specifies management units consistent with the likely conduct of future surveys. By applying all three elements of the agreed management strategy for krill, we calculated a total catch limit in Subarea 48.1 of 592 989 t, with a summer limit of 124 528 t and a winter limit of 468 461 t. Catch limits for the management units representing the Gerlache Strait (11 860 t in summer and 124 528 t in winter) and Bransfield Strait (5 930 t in summer and 65 229 t in winter) may require further consideration.