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    Conservation in the Scotia Sea in light of expiring regulations and disrupted negotiations

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    G.M. Watters and J.T. Hinke
    Submitted By:
    Dr George Watters
    Approved By:
    Dr George Watters
    Conserv. Biol. (2022): e13925, doi:

    Long-standing concerns about concentrated catches have guided krill-fishery management for over three decades, and history demonstrates that these concerns are valid. Ironically, the presumed precautionary approach to manage the krill fishery failed to prevent the very concentration of fishing CCAMLR intended to avoid, but the relatively low catch limits specified in CM 51-07 have mitigated impacts. Any change to the management of the krill fishery should explicitly account for concentrated fishing, particularly if allowable catches are increased. If CM 51-07 lapses without replacement, we emphasize that, in its own right, CM 51-01 is not sufficient to limit concentrated fishing (620 kt of krill could be taken anywhere).