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    Full Name
    Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment
    Hobart, Australia
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Submissions Due
    Monday, 18 September 2023 - 09:00 Australia/Hobart (Working Group Paper)

    Detailed information is available in our support forum, which includes the process for submitting papers and revisions.

      Preliminary Agenda

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      1     Opening of the meeting
      1.1     Introduction

      Meeting will start with an introduction by the WG Convener and information to delegates of administrative, technical, and organizational matters

      1.2     Adoption of the Agenda

      The agenda for the meeting was developed following the decision by the Scientific Committee to arrange agendas by area. It will be reviewed, modified if necessary and adopted.

      1.3     Review of terms of reference and the work plan

      The Working Group will review the Terms of Reference (See SC-CIRC 23/52 and the work plan set out in SC-CAMLR-41, Table 8).

      2     Review of CCAMLR fisheries in 2022/2023 and notifications for 2023/2024

      The Working Group will review the data on CCAMLR fisheries, fishery notifications and relevant papers that give context to the work of Working Group including recommendations from other Working Groups.

      3     Krill

      The Working Group will consider krill issues brought forward from WG-EMM-23 and WS-KFO-2023, including issues related to CM 51-07 and implications of climate change on mangement advice, especially as resulting from the Climate change workshop (WS-CC-2023).

      4     Fish

      The Working Group will consider management advice for icefish and toothfish stocks by area, including out comes from the fish age determination workshop, the tagging workshop and the independent reivew of toothfish stock assessement, and implications of climate change on mangement advice, especially as resulting from the Climate change workshop (WS-CC-2023).

      4.1     Area 48

      The Working Group will review data inputs and review stock assessments for icefish and toothfish in Subarea 48

      4.1.1     Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3

      Population status of icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) for the established fisheries in CCAMLR convention area, including surveys and stock assessment of mackerel ice fish

      4.1.2     Icefish research survey proposal in Subarea 48.2

      The Working Group will review proposals for icefish research submitted under CM 24-01 in Subarea 48.2

      4.1.3     Dissostichus eleginoides in Subarea 48.3

      The Working Group will review data inputs and review stock assessments for toothfish in Subarea 48.3, including advice from the independent review of toothfish stock assessments

      4.1.4     Dissostichus eleginoides in Subarea 48.4

      The Working Group will review data inputs and review stock assessments for Patagonian toothfish in Subarea 48.4, including advice from the independent review of toothfish stock assessments

      4.1.5     Dissostichus mawsoni in Subarea 48.4

      The Working Group will review data inputs and consider the trend analysis results for Antarctic toothfish in Subarea 48.4 , including results of the trend analysis estimates of biomass

      4.1.6     Research plans targeting D. mawsoni in area 48 notified under CM 21-02 or CM 24-01

      Working Group will consider the advice of WG-SAM-2023 and review updates on research plans in Area 48 that were presented in WG-SAM-23, considering the recommendations from WG-SAM-23 and the trend analysis results.

      4.2     Area 58

      The Working Group will review data inputs and review stock assessments for icefish and toothfish in Subarea 58

      4.2.1     Champsocephalus gunnari in Division 58.5.2

      The Working Group will review data input and stock assessment for icefish

      4.2.2     Dissostichus eleginoides in Division 58.5.1

      The Working Group will review data inputs and review stock assessments for toothfish in Division 58.5.1.

      4.2.3     Dissostichus eleginoides in Division 58.5.2

      The Working Group will review data inputs and review stock assessments for toothfish in Division 58.5.2, including advice from the independent review of toothfish stock assessments.

      4.2.4     Dissostichus eleginoides in Division 58.6

      The Working Group will review data inputs and review stock assessments for toothfish in Division 58.6

      4.2.5     Research plans in area 58 notified under CM 21-02

      Working Group will consider the advice of WG-SAM-2023 and review updates on research plans in Area 58 that were presented in WG-SAM-23, considering the recommendations from WG-SAM-23 and the trend analysis results (e.g. 58.4.1, 58.4.2, 58.4.4b). It will also consider areas outside national jurisdictions in 58.5.1, 58.5.2 and 58.6 and 58.7.

      4.3     Area 88

      The Working Group will review data inputs and review stock assessments for toothfish in Subarea 88

      4.3.1     Subarea 88.1 and SSRUs 882AB - D. mawsoni in the Ross Sea region

      The Woring Group will consider input data and parameters for the Ross Sea stock assessment, including the Ross Sea shelf survey and advice from the independent review of toothfish stock assessments

      4.3.2     Subarea 88.2

      The Working Group will consider implementation of the revised management of Subarea 88.2 including the results of the trend analysis rules for Subarea 88.2

      4.3.3     Subarea 88.3

      The Working Group will consider the research on D. mawsoni in 88.3 including results of the trend analysis.

      5     By-catch

      The Working Group will review all work pertaining to the management of bycatch in krill and toothfish fisheries, including management of impacts to VMEs and habitat

      5.1     By-catch management in krill fisheries
      5.2     By-catch management in toothfish fisheries
      5.3     VME management
      6     Scheme of International Scientific Observation

      The Working Group will consider recommendations from tagging workshop and the subsequent discussions from WG-SAM-23. Krill Fishery Observer Workshop discussions and any revision to observer forms will also be considered under this item.

      7     Future work

      The Working Group will consider items of future work and intersessional work including any proposed workshops, including the fish age determination workshop

      8     Other business
      9     Advice to the Scientific Committee

      Advice from all agenda items is consolidated for SC-CAMLR-42

      10     Adoption of the report and close of meeting