The species composition and bathymetric distribution of the fish fauna of Terra Nova bay (Ross Sea) was investigated during the 6th Antarctic Italian Expedition (austral summer 1990/91).
Samples were collected using fixed gears (nets, hooks and traps) and working along four transects from the coast to off-shore, down to 680 m.
The bulk of catches were Nototheniidae (10 species, 83 % by weight), followed by Channichthyidae (four species, 16 % by weight), Bathydraconidae (three species), Artedidraconidae (two species) and Liparididae (one species).
A shift in species composition and abundance with depth suggests the presence of different assemblages of fish at different levels sampled.
A detailed statistical analysis of catches in relation to various variables (depth, fishing gears, station, etc.) is also carried out.
Ichthyological investigation by fixed gears in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea) - species list and first results
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