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    Full Name
    Comité permanent sur l'observation et le contrôle
    Hobart, Australie
    Date/heure de début de réunion:
    Date/heure de fin de réunion:
    Rapport de la réunion:
    f-cc-xix-a5.pdf (105.36 Ko)


      Numéro du document Titre Point(s) de l'ordre du jour
      Plus d'infos
      Provisional Agenda
      Plus d'infos
      List of Documents
      Plus d'infos
      Reports of CCAMLR inspectors submitted in accordance with the CCAMLR System of Inspection for 1999/2000
      SCOI-00/03 Addendum
      Plus d'infos
      Reports of CCAMLR inspectors submitted in accordance with the CCAMLR System of Inspection for 1999/2000
      Plus d'infos
      Deployment of UK-designated CCAMLR inspectors and observers during the 1999/2000 fishing season
      United Kingdom
      Plus d'infos
      Report of port inspection on Chiyo Maru No. 3 (JQDO)
      New Zealand
      Plus d'infos
      Additional measure proposed by Norway to counteract IUU fishing activities
      Plus d'infos
      Non-Contracting Party (NCP) activity in the NAFO Regulatory Area
      Plus d'infos
      Advice from Panama in respect of fishing for Dissostichus spp.
      Plus d'infos
      Information on landings of Dissostichus spp. in ports of Namibia
      Plus d'infos
      Significant Diplomatic Demarches
      Extract from Report of Member’s Activities in the Convention Area, 1999/2000

      Plus d'infos
      Inspection and surveillance activities, New Zealand
      Extract from Report of Member’s Activities in the Convention Area, 1999/2000

      New Zealand
      Plus d'infos
      Efectivización de las Medidas de Conservación de CCRVMA por Uruguay (available in Spanish only)
      Plus d'infos
      Report on informal discussions on the CCAMLR Catch Documentation Scheme for Toothfish
      Delegations of Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile
      Plus d'infos
      Trade data for Dissostichus spp.
      (Extract from WG-FSA-00/6)

      Plus d'infos
      Mauritius: Indian Ocean haven for pirate fishing vessels
      New Zealand
      SCOI-00/15 Supplement
      Plus d'infos
      Mauritius: Indian Ocean haven for pirate fishing vessels
      New Zealand
      Plus d'infos
      Vessel database
      Delegation of New Zealand
      Plus d'infos
      On the sinking of the longliner Amur
      Plus d'infos
      System of Inspection – infringements by Argentine-flagged vessels
      (A letter from the UK as distributed to Members in COMM CIRC 00/66 of 18 October 2000)

      Plus d'infos
      Patagonian toothfish import control program
      Delegation of the USA
      Plus d'infos
      Toothfish import monitoring program
      Delegation of the USA
      Plus d'infos
      Note on CCAMLR Catch Documentation Scheme
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      SCOI-00/22 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Flagging and licensing of non-Contracting Party vessels
      Delegation of Norway
      Plus d'infos
      Resolution X (2000) adopted at SATCM-XII
      Plus d'infos
      Agenda Item 3(i) Compliance with Conservation Measures
      Extract from the report of the 2000 Meeting of WG-FSA (SC-CAMLR-XIX/4)

      Plus d'infos
      Summary: Chilean vessel monitoring system implementation
      Plus d'infos
      Report of SCOI Working Group on Proposed Catch Documentation Scheme Modifications
      Plus d'infos
      Information on the transhipment of Patagonian toothfish at Port Louis Harbour, Mauritius
      Plus d'infos
      Inspections undertaken in the 1999/2000 season

      Ordre du jour

      Développer Commentaires | Développer Document | Réduire

      SCOI-00/01 Provisional Agenda
      SCOI-00/02 List of Documents
      SCOI-00/03 Reports of CCAMLR inspectors submitted in accordance with the CCAMLR System of Inspection for 1999/2000
      SCOI-00/03 Addendum Reports of CCAMLR inspectors submitted in accordance with the CCAMLR System of Inspection for 1999/2000
      SCOI-00/04 Deployment of UK-designated CCAMLR inspectors and observers during the 1999/2000 fishing season
      United Kingdom
      SCOI-00/05 Report of port inspection on Chiyo Maru No. 3 (JQDO)
      New Zealand
      SCOI-00/06 Additional measure proposed by Norway to counteract IUU fishing activities
      SCOI-00/07 Non-Contracting Party (NCP) activity in the NAFO Regulatory Area
      SCOI-00/08 Advice from Panama in respect of fishing for Dissostichus spp.
      SCOI-00/09 Information on landings of Dissostichus spp. in ports of Namibia
      SCOI-00/10 Significant Diplomatic Demarches
      Extract from Report of Member’s Activities in the Convention Area, 1999/2000

      SCOI-00/11 Inspection and surveillance activities, New Zealand
      Extract from Report of Member’s Activities in the Convention Area, 1999/2000

      New Zealand
      SCOI-00/12 Efectivización de las Medidas de Conservación de CCRVMA por Uruguay (available in Spanish only)
      SCOI-00/13 Report on informal discussions on the CCAMLR Catch Documentation Scheme for Toothfish
      Delegations of Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile
      SCOI-00/14 Trade data for Dissostichus spp.
      (Extract from WG-FSA-00/6)

      SCOI-00/15 Mauritius: Indian Ocean haven for pirate fishing vessels
      New Zealand
      SCOI-00/15 Supplement Mauritius: Indian Ocean haven for pirate fishing vessels
      New Zealand
      SCOI-00/16 Vessel database
      Delegation of New Zealand
      SCOI-00/17 On the sinking of the longliner Amur
      SCOI-00/18 System of Inspection – infringements by Argentine-flagged vessels
      (A letter from the UK as distributed to Members in COMM CIRC 00/66 of 18 October 2000)
      SCOI-00/19 Patagonian toothfish import control program
      Delegation of the USA
      SCOI-00/20 Toothfish import monitoring program
      Delegation of the USA
      SCOI-00/21 Note on CCAMLR Catch Documentation Scheme
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      SCOI-00/22 Rev. 1 Flagging and licensing of non-Contracting Party vessels
      Delegation of Norway
      SCOI-00/23 Resolution X (2000) adopted at SATCM-XII
      SCOI-00/24 Agenda Item 3(i) Compliance with Conservation Measures
      Extract from the report of the 2000 Meeting of WG-FSA (SC-CAMLR-XIX/4)
      SCOI-00/25 Summary: Chilean vessel monitoring system implementation
      SCOI-00/26 Report of SCOI Working Group on Proposed Catch Documentation Scheme Modifications
      SCOI-00/27 Information on the transhipment of Patagonian toothfish at Port Louis Harbour, Mauritius
      SCOI-00/28 Inspections undertaken in the 1999/2000 season