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    Full Name
    Groupe de travail sur le contrôle et la gestion de l'écosystème
    Taormina, Sicile, Italie
    Date/heure de début de réunion:
    Date/heure de fin de réunion:
    Rapport de la réunion:
    f-sc-xix-a4.pdf (5.06 Mo)


      Numéro du document Titre Point(s) de l'ordre du jour
      Plus d'infos
      Provisional Agenda and Provisional Annotated Agenda for the 2000 Meeting of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM)
      Plus d'infos
      Second report on distribution, abundance and biological aspects of krill (Euphausia superba) north of South Shetland Islands (Survey 0001 RV Humboldt – 23 to 28 January 2000 – XI Peruvian Antarctic Expedition)
      M. Gutiérrez, N. Herrera and J. Quiñones (Peru), X. Chalen (Ecuador) and A. Antony (India)
      Plus d'infos
      Preliminary results on the diet of the snow petrel Pagodroma nivea at Laurie Island, Antarctica, during the 1997/98 breeding season
      G. Soave, V. Ferretti, N. Coria and R. Casaux (Argentina)
      Plus d'infos
      Final report of scientific observations of commercial krill harvest aboard the Japanese stern trawler Chiyo Maru No. 5, 31 January to 1 March 2000
      W. Rain (CCAMLR Observer)
      Plus d'infos
      Studies of seabirds and seals at Bouvetøya 1998/99
      K. Isaksen (Norway), O. Huyser, S. Kirkman, R. Wanless and W. Wilson (South Africa)
      WG-EMM-00/14 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Utilising data from ecosystem monitoring for managing fisheries: development of statistical summaries of indices arising from the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program
      W. de la Mare and A. Constable (Australia)
      Plus d'infos
      Notes on the commercial krill harvest of the Japanese stern trawler Chiyo Maru No. 5 in Subarea 48.1
      C. Jones (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      A statistical assessment of the status and trends of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic seabirds (prepared for the SCAR Bird Biology Subcommittee and SC CAMLR)
      Working draft as of June 2000

      E.J. Woehler (Australia), J. Cooper (South Africa), J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom), W.R. Fraser (USA), G.L. Kooyman (USA), D.G. Miller (South Africa), D.C. Nel (South Africa), D.L Patterson (USA), H.-U. Peter (Germany), C.A. Ribic (USA), K. Salwicka (USA), W.Z. Trivelpiece (USA) and H. Weimerskirch (France)
      Plus d'infos
      Haul data analysis from the Polish krill fishery in 1997–1999
      E. Jackowksi (Poland)
      Plus d'infos
      Combined standardised indices of predator performance from Bird Island, summer 1977–2000
      I. Boyd (United Kingdom)
      Plus d'infos
      A description of the ecosystem status at South Georgia during winter 1999–summer 2000
      K. Reid (United Kingdom)
      Plus d'infos
      List of participants
      Plus d'infos
      Status of the South Georgia subarea (48.3) on satellite monitoring of the sea surface temperature, December 1999–January 2000
      G. Vanyushin and A. Korobochka (Russia)
      WG-EMM-00/21 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Report of the B0 Workshop
      (La Jolla, USA, 30 May to 9 June 2000)

      Plus d'infos
      Ecosystem management
      I. Everson (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-00/23 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Management plan for a new Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Terra Nova Bay, Victoria Land, Ross Sea
      Plus d'infos
      Secretariat work in support of WG-EMM
      Plus d'infos
      Krill fishery information
      Plus d'infos
      CEMP indices 2000: analysis of anomalies and trends
      Plus d'infos
      Development of environmental indices F1, F3 and F4
      S. Olmastroni and S. Corsolini (Italy), K. Kerry and J. Clarke (Australia) and D. Ramm (CCAMLR Secretariat)
      Plus d'infos
      Update on the CCAMLR website
      Plus d'infos
      History of development and completion of tasks put forward by WG-EMM (1995–1999)
      Plus d'infos
      List of documents
      Plus d'infos
      A proposal to subdivide CCAMLR Statistical Division 58.4.1 using environmental data
      S. Nicol and T. Pauly (Australia)
      Plus d'infos
      Evaluating the ecosystem impact of harvesting krill in the Southern Ocean: an ECOPATH with ECOSIM feasibility study
      T. Pitcher (University of British Columbia)
      Plus d'infos
      Béchervaise Island, MacRobertson Land, Antarctica – CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP) Monitoring Site: description, maps and colony photographs
      K. Kerry, L. Meyer, W. Papps, J. Clarke and L. Irvine (Australia)
      Plus d'infos
      Krill distribution pattern due to water structure and dynamics near the South Sandwich Islands in January–February 2000 (Krill Synoptic Survey 2000)
      V. Sushin, P. Chernyshkov, V. Shnar, F. Litvinov and K. Shulgovskiy (Russia)
      Plus d'infos
      Interannual variations of water thermochaline structure on South Georgia Island, South Orkney Islands and Shetland Islands shelves
      P. Chernyshkov, V. Shnar, O. Berezhinsky and I. Polischuk (Russia)
      Plus d'infos
      Interannual hydroclimate fluctuations of the Atlantic part of the Antarctic since 1970 to 2000
      G. Chernega, I. Polischuk and P. Chernyshkov (Russia)
      Plus d'infos
      Some changes observed in Antarctic seabird distribution and behaviour
      F. Litvinov (Russia)
      Plus d'infos
      A multiple-frequency method for identifying and assessing the Antarctic krill stock in the Ross Sea (1989/90, 1997/98 and 1999/2000)
      M. Azzali, J. Kalinowski and G. Lanciani (Italy)
      Plus d'infos
      Summer distribution, abundance and structure of krill populations (Euphausia superba and Euphausia crystallorophias) sampled by plankton net in the western Ross Sea (January–February 2000)
      M. Azzali, A. Sala and G. Brancato (Italy)
      Plus d'infos
      Comparative studies on the biological and acoustical properties of krill aggregations (Euphausia superba Dana) samples during the XIII Italian Expedition to the Ross Sea (December 1997–January 1998)
      M. Azzali, J. Kalinoswki, G. Lanciani and I. Leonori (Italy)
      Plus d'infos
      Report of national observer on the work carried out aboard the vessel Konstruktor Koshkin in Subarea 48.2 in May–June 1999
      V. Bibik (Ukraine)
      Plus d'infos
      Chick provisioning and chick survival to fledging
      J. Clarke, K. Kerry, L. Irvine and B. Philips (Australia)
      Plus d'infos
      The length-frequency distribution of krill in the diets of predators at Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica in the austral summer of 1999–2000
      W.Z. Trivelpiece, K. Salwicka, L. Shill and S. Trivelpiece (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      The use of predator-derived krill length-frequency distributions to calculate krill target strength
      K. Reid and A.S. Brierley (United Kingdom)
      Plus d'infos
      Contribution to a discussion of the ecosystem approach to management of the krill fishery
      R.P. Hewitt and E.H. Linen Low (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Variations in condition indices of mackerel icefish at South Georgia from 1972 to 1997
      I. Everson (United Kingdom) and K.-H. Kock (Germany)
      Plus d'infos
      Interannual variation to the gonad cycle of the mackerel icefish
      I. Everson (United Kingdom), K.-H. Kock (Germany) and J. Ellison (United Kingdom)
      Plus d'infos
      A generalised algorithm for estimating energy and carbon budgets in marine predators
      I.L. Boyd (United Kingdom)
      Plus d'infos
      Pinniped research at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, Antarctica, 1999/2000
      M.E. Goebel (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Aerobic dive limit: how often does it occur in nature?
      D.P. Costa, N.J. Gales and M.E. Goebel (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Some components of uncertainty in the CCAMLR 2000 acoustical survey of krill
      D.A. Demer (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Ecosystem studies carried out during the second Ukrainian Marine Antarctic Expedition in Subareas 48.2 and 48.1 in 1998
      V. Bibik and P. Gozhik (Ukraine)
      Plus d'infos
      Distribution of krill as a fraction of Antarctic zooplankton within the South Sandwich Islands area in summer 2000
      S.M. Kasatkina and A.P. Malyshko (Russia)
      Plus d'infos
      Krill distribution related to water structure and dynamics on the South Georgia shelf in January 2000 (AtlantNIRO-BAS Core Programme 1999/2000)
      V.A. Sushin (Russia), P.P. Chernyshkov (Russia), F.F. Litvinov (Russia), J.L. Watkins (United Kingdom) and A.S. Brierley (United Kingdom)
      Plus d'infos
      Hydrography and acoustic biomass estimates of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) near the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during January 2000: preliminary results
      D. Kang, Y. Lee, H.-C. Shin, W. Lee and S. Kim (Republic of Korea)
      Plus d'infos
      Collection of informative manuscripts regarding SO-GLOBEC activities on Antarctic krill
      S. Kim (Republic of Korea) and E. Hofmann (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Some notes on by-catch of fishes and salps caught by the fishery vessel Niitaka Maru in the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands (January to February 1999)
      T. Iwami, S. Kawaguchi and M. Naganobu (Japan)
      Plus d'infos
      Notes on the eighth Antarctic survey by the RV Kaiyo Maru, Japan in 1999/2000
      M. Naganobu, S. Kawaguchi, T. Kameda, Y. Takao and N. Iguchi (Japan)
      Plus d'infos
      CPUEs and body lengths of Antarctic krill during the 1998/99 season in Area 48
      S. Kawaguchi (Japan)
      Plus d'infos
      Analysis of krill trawling positions in the area north of the South Shetland Islands (Antarctic Peninsula area) from 1980/81 to 1998/99
      S. Kawaguchi (Japan)
      Plus d'infos
      Krill length distribution in fur seal diet at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, 1999/2000
      M.E. Goebel (USA)
      WG-EMM-00/6 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Krill distribution patterns in the Atlantic sector of the Antarctic during the CCAMLR-2000 Survey
      V. Siegel (Germany), S. Kawaguchi (Japan), F. Litvinov (Russia), V. Loeb (USA) and J. Watkins (United Kingdom)
      Plus d'infos
      The ecosystem approach to managing fisheries: achieving conservation objectives for predators of fished species
      A.J. Constable (Australia)
      Plus d'infos
      Towards an ecosystem status assessment for South Georgia
      ‘Variability of Southern Ocean Ecosystems’ Project Team

      Plus d'infos
      Seabird research at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, Antarctica, 1999–2000
      T.M. Carten, W.Z. Trivelpiece, M.R. Taft and R.S. Holt (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Excerpts from the Report of the Meeting of the SCAR Group of Specialists on Seals
      Report to CCAMLR WG-EMM, July 2000

      Plus d'infos
      Report to WG-EMM on implications of meeting schedules
      Chair of the CCAMLR Scientific Committee
      Plus d'infos
      Draft management plan for Specially Protected Area (SPA) No. 4 – Balleny Islands, northern Ross Sea, Antarctica
      New Zealand
      Plus d'infos
      Changes in the diet of the South Georgia shag Phalacrocorax georgianus at the South Orkney Islands along four consecutive years
      R. Casaux and A. Ramón (Argentina)
      Plus d'infos
      Fish in the diet of breeding Antarctic shags Phalacrocorax bransfieldensis at four colonies in the Danco Coast, Antarctic Peninsula
      R. Casaux, A. Baroni and E. Barrera-Oro (Argentina)

      Ordre du jour

      Développer Commentaires | Développer Document | Réduire

      WG-EMM-00/1 Provisional Agenda and Provisional Annotated Agenda for the 2000 Meeting of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM)
      WG-EMM-00/10 Second report on distribution, abundance and biological aspects of krill (Euphausia superba) north of South Shetland Islands (Survey 0001 RV Humboldt – 23 to 28 January 2000 – XI Peruvian Antarctic Expedition)
      M. Gutiérrez, N. Herrera and J. Quiñones (Peru), X. Chalen (Ecuador) and A. Antony (India)
      WG-EMM-00/11 Preliminary results on the diet of the snow petrel Pagodroma nivea at Laurie Island, Antarctica, during the 1997/98 breeding season
      G. Soave, V. Ferretti, N. Coria and R. Casaux (Argentina)
      WG-EMM-00/12 Final report of scientific observations of commercial krill harvest aboard the Japanese stern trawler Chiyo Maru No. 5, 31 January to 1 March 2000
      W. Rain (CCAMLR Observer)
      WG-EMM-00/13 Studies of seabirds and seals at Bouvetøya 1998/99
      K. Isaksen (Norway), O. Huyser, S. Kirkman, R. Wanless and W. Wilson (South Africa)
      WG-EMM-00/14 Rev. 1 Utilising data from ecosystem monitoring for managing fisheries: development of statistical summaries of indices arising from the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program
      W. de la Mare and A. Constable (Australia)
      WG-EMM-00/15 Notes on the commercial krill harvest of the Japanese stern trawler Chiyo Maru No. 5 in Subarea 48.1
      C. Jones (USA)
      WG-EMM-00/16 A statistical assessment of the status and trends of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic seabirds (prepared for the SCAR Bird Biology Subcommittee and SC CAMLR)
      Working draft as of June 2000

      E.J. Woehler (Australia), J. Cooper (South Africa), J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom), W.R. Fraser (USA), G.L. Kooyman (USA), D.G. Miller (South Africa), D.C. Nel (South Africa), D.L Patterson (USA), H.-U. Peter (Germany), C.A. Ribic (USA), K. Salwicka (USA), W.Z. Trivelpiece (USA) and H. Weimerskirch (France)
      WG-EMM-00/17 Haul data analysis from the Polish krill fishery in 1997–1999
      E. Jackowksi (Poland)
      WG-EMM-00/18 Combined standardised indices of predator performance from Bird Island, summer 1977–2000
      I. Boyd (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-00/19 A description of the ecosystem status at South Georgia during winter 1999–summer 2000
      K. Reid (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-00/2 List of participants
      WG-EMM-00/20 Status of the South Georgia subarea (48.3) on satellite monitoring of the sea surface temperature, December 1999–January 2000
      G. Vanyushin and A. Korobochka (Russia)
      WG-EMM-00/21 Rev. 1 Report of the B0 Workshop
      (La Jolla, USA, 30 May to 9 June 2000)
      WG-EMM-00/22 Ecosystem management
      I. Everson (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-00/23 Rev. 1 Management plan for a new Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Terra Nova Bay, Victoria Land, Ross Sea
      WG-EMM-00/24 Secretariat work in support of WG-EMM
      WG-EMM-00/25 Krill fishery information
      WG-EMM-00/26 CEMP indices 2000: analysis of anomalies and trends
      WG-EMM-00/27 Development of environmental indices F1, F3 and F4
      S. Olmastroni and S. Corsolini (Italy), K. Kerry and J. Clarke (Australia) and D. Ramm (CCAMLR Secretariat)
      WG-EMM-00/28 Update on the CCAMLR website
      WG-EMM-00/29 History of development and completion of tasks put forward by WG-EMM (1995–1999)
      WG-EMM-00/3 List of documents
      WG-EMM-00/30 A proposal to subdivide CCAMLR Statistical Division 58.4.1 using environmental data
      S. Nicol and T. Pauly (Australia)
      WG-EMM-00/31 Evaluating the ecosystem impact of harvesting krill in the Southern Ocean: an ECOPATH with ECOSIM feasibility study
      T. Pitcher (University of British Columbia)
      WG-EMM-00/32 Béchervaise Island, MacRobertson Land, Antarctica – CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP) Monitoring Site: description, maps and colony photographs
      K. Kerry, L. Meyer, W. Papps, J. Clarke and L. Irvine (Australia)
      WG-EMM-00/33 Krill distribution pattern due to water structure and dynamics near the South Sandwich Islands in January–February 2000 (Krill Synoptic Survey 2000)
      V. Sushin, P. Chernyshkov, V. Shnar, F. Litvinov and K. Shulgovskiy (Russia)
      WG-EMM-00/34 Interannual variations of water thermochaline structure on South Georgia Island, South Orkney Islands and Shetland Islands shelves
      P. Chernyshkov, V. Shnar, O. Berezhinsky and I. Polischuk (Russia)
      WG-EMM-00/35 Interannual hydroclimate fluctuations of the Atlantic part of the Antarctic since 1970 to 2000
      G. Chernega, I. Polischuk and P. Chernyshkov (Russia)
      WG-EMM-00/36 Some changes observed in Antarctic seabird distribution and behaviour
      F. Litvinov (Russia)
      WG-EMM-00/37 A multiple-frequency method for identifying and assessing the Antarctic krill stock in the Ross Sea (1989/90, 1997/98 and 1999/2000)
      M. Azzali, J. Kalinowski and G. Lanciani (Italy)
      WG-EMM-00/38 Summer distribution, abundance and structure of krill populations (Euphausia superba and Euphausia crystallorophias) sampled by plankton net in the western Ross Sea (January–February 2000)
      M. Azzali, A. Sala and G. Brancato (Italy)
      WG-EMM-00/39 Comparative studies on the biological and acoustical properties of krill aggregations (Euphausia superba Dana) samples during the XIII Italian Expedition to the Ross Sea (December 1997–January 1998)
      M. Azzali, J. Kalinoswki, G. Lanciani and I. Leonori (Italy)
      WG-EMM-00/4 Report of national observer on the work carried out aboard the vessel Konstruktor Koshkin in Subarea 48.2 in May–June 1999
      V. Bibik (Ukraine)
      WG-EMM-00/40 Chick provisioning and chick survival to fledging
      J. Clarke, K. Kerry, L. Irvine and B. Philips (Australia)
      WG-EMM-00/41 The length-frequency distribution of krill in the diets of predators at Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica in the austral summer of 1999–2000
      W.Z. Trivelpiece, K. Salwicka, L. Shill and S. Trivelpiece (USA)
      WG-EMM-00/42 The use of predator-derived krill length-frequency distributions to calculate krill target strength
      K. Reid and A.S. Brierley (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-00/43 Contribution to a discussion of the ecosystem approach to management of the krill fishery
      R.P. Hewitt and E.H. Linen Low (USA)
      WG-EMM-00/44 Variations in condition indices of mackerel icefish at South Georgia from 1972 to 1997
      I. Everson (United Kingdom) and K.-H. Kock (Germany)
      WG-EMM-00/45 Interannual variation to the gonad cycle of the mackerel icefish
      I. Everson (United Kingdom), K.-H. Kock (Germany) and J. Ellison (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-00/46 A generalised algorithm for estimating energy and carbon budgets in marine predators
      I.L. Boyd (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-00/47 Pinniped research at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, Antarctica, 1999/2000
      M.E. Goebel (USA)
      WG-EMM-00/48 Aerobic dive limit: how often does it occur in nature?
      D.P. Costa, N.J. Gales and M.E. Goebel (USA)
      WG-EMM-00/49 Some components of uncertainty in the CCAMLR 2000 acoustical survey of krill
      D.A. Demer (USA)
      WG-EMM-00/5 Ecosystem studies carried out during the second Ukrainian Marine Antarctic Expedition in Subareas 48.2 and 48.1 in 1998
      V. Bibik and P. Gozhik (Ukraine)
      WG-EMM-00/50 Distribution of krill as a fraction of Antarctic zooplankton within the South Sandwich Islands area in summer 2000
      S.M. Kasatkina and A.P. Malyshko (Russia)
      WG-EMM-00/51 Krill distribution related to water structure and dynamics on the South Georgia shelf in January 2000 (AtlantNIRO-BAS Core Programme 1999/2000)
      V.A. Sushin (Russia), P.P. Chernyshkov (Russia), F.F. Litvinov (Russia), J.L. Watkins (United Kingdom) and A.S. Brierley (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-00/52 Hydrography and acoustic biomass estimates of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) near the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during January 2000: preliminary results
      D. Kang, Y. Lee, H.-C. Shin, W. Lee and S. Kim (Republic of Korea)
      WG-EMM-00/53 Collection of informative manuscripts regarding SO-GLOBEC activities on Antarctic krill
      S. Kim (Republic of Korea) and E. Hofmann (USA)
      WG-EMM-00/54 Some notes on by-catch of fishes and salps caught by the fishery vessel Niitaka Maru in the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands (January to February 1999)
      T. Iwami, S. Kawaguchi and M. Naganobu (Japan)
      WG-EMM-00/55 Notes on the eighth Antarctic survey by the RV Kaiyo Maru, Japan in 1999/2000
      M. Naganobu, S. Kawaguchi, T. Kameda, Y. Takao and N. Iguchi (Japan)
      WG-EMM-00/57 CPUEs and body lengths of Antarctic krill during the 1998/99 season in Area 48
      S. Kawaguchi (Japan)
      WG-EMM-00/58 Analysis of krill trawling positions in the area north of the South Shetland Islands (Antarctic Peninsula area) from 1980/81 to 1998/99
      S. Kawaguchi (Japan)
      WG-EMM-00/59 Krill length distribution in fur seal diet at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, 1999/2000
      M.E. Goebel (USA)
      WG-EMM-00/6 Rev. 1 Krill distribution patterns in the Atlantic sector of the Antarctic during the CCAMLR-2000 Survey
      V. Siegel (Germany), S. Kawaguchi (Japan), F. Litvinov (Russia), V. Loeb (USA) and J. Watkins (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-00/60 The ecosystem approach to managing fisheries: achieving conservation objectives for predators of fished species
      A.J. Constable (Australia)
      WG-EMM-00/61 Towards an ecosystem status assessment for South Georgia
      ‘Variability of Southern Ocean Ecosystems’ Project Team
      WG-EMM-00/62 Seabird research at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, Antarctica, 1999–2000
      T.M. Carten, W.Z. Trivelpiece, M.R. Taft and R.S. Holt (USA)
      WG-EMM-00/63 Excerpts from the Report of the Meeting of the SCAR Group of Specialists on Seals
      Report to CCAMLR WG-EMM, July 2000
      WG-EMM-00/64 Report to WG-EMM on implications of meeting schedules
      Chair of the CCAMLR Scientific Committee
      WG-EMM-00/7 Draft management plan for Specially Protected Area (SPA) No. 4 – Balleny Islands, northern Ross Sea, Antarctica
      New Zealand
      WG-EMM-00/8 Changes in the diet of the South Georgia shag Phalacrocorax georgianus at the South Orkney Islands along four consecutive years
      R. Casaux and A. Ramón (Argentina)
      WG-EMM-00/9 Fish in the diet of breeding Antarctic shags Phalacrocorax bransfieldensis at four colonies in the Danco Coast, Antarctic Peninsula
      R. Casaux, A. Baroni and E. Barrera-Oro (Argentina)