WG-EMM-17/02 Plus d'infos |
Development of a five-year work plan for the CCAMLR Scientific Committee M. Belchier (Chair of SC-CAMLR)
At last year’s meeting, it was agreed that a five-year work plan for the Scientific Committee should be developed for consideration by the Scientific Committee in 2017 (SC-CAMLR-XXXV, paragraphs 13.8 to 13.20). It was agreed that the work should be led by the Chair of the Scientific Committee with input from the conveners of its working groups and that it should be made available for Read More
Soumis par:
Mark Belchier (Royaume-Uni)
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5 |
WG-SAM-17/01 Plus d'infos |
Results of the sixth Ross Sea shelf survey to monitor abundance of sub-adult Antarctic toothfish in the southern Ross Sea, January 2017 K. Large, L. Robinson and S. Parker
At its 2011 meeting, the Scientific Committee agreed that a time series of relative abundance from a well-designed survey could be a useful input into the Ross Sea stock assessment model. In this paper we provide results of the sixth annual survey in the time series. The objectives of this survey included monitoring sub-adult (≤ 110 cm TL) toothfish in the south of SSRUs 881.J and 881.L in the Read More
Soumis par:
Alistair Dunn (Nouvelle-Zélande)
Approuvé par:
Alistair Dunn (Nouvelle-Zélande)
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4.3.1 |
WG-SAM-17/02 Rev. 1 Plus d'infos |
Research plan for the 2017/18 toothfish fishery in Division 58.4.4b by Japan and France Delegations of Japan and France
Japan and France made the next season’s (2017/18) research plan in research blocks 58.4.4b_1 and 58.4.4b_2 using the latest CCAMLR C2 and Observer data.
The estimated median stock size in block 58.4.4b_1 and 58.4.4b_2 was 855.39 and 1120.40, tonnes respectively, in Chapman method considering tags released in the last three years as effective for the biomass estimation. The estimated Read More
Soumis par:
Takehiro Okuda
Approuvé par:
Taro Ichii
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4.2.2 |
WG-SAM-17/03 Plus d'infos |
Research plan for the 2017/18 exploratory longline fishery of D. mawsoni in Subarea 48.6 by South Africa and Japan Delegations of Japan and South Africa
South Africa and Japan made the next season’s (2017/18) research plan in Subarea 48.6 using the latest CCAMLR C2 and Observer data. We have used extracted data provided by CCAMLR secretariat on 10th May, 2017.
The estimated median stock size in research block 48.6_2, 48.6_3, and 48.6_4 was 5657.54, 5162.26, and 8211.25 tonnes, respectively, in Chapman method considering tags Read More
Soumis par:
Takehiro Okuda
Approuvé par:
Taro Ichii
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4.1 |
WG-SAM-17/04 Plus d'infos |
Continuation of multi-Member research on the Dissostichus spp. exploratory fishery in 2017/18 in Division 58.4.3a by France and Japan Delegations of France and Japan
In Division 58.4.3a, since 2012, research fishing has been conducted in the research block by two vessels using longlines: Shinsei Maru No. 3 (Japan) and the Saint André (France). The catch limit for Dissostichus spp. is 32 tons in 2014/2015 and the total reported catch up was 16.3 tons. For the last season (2015/16), the catch limit was unchanged (32 tons) but no catch up Read More
Soumis par:
Benoit Tourtois
Approuvé par:
Philippe Koubbi
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4.2.2 |
WG-SAM-17/06 Plus d'infos |
Proposal for a longline survey on toothfish in Statistical Subarea 48.6 in 2017/18 Delegation of Norway
Norway proposes a plan to investigate the toothfish populations in the Statistical Subarea 48.6 in 2017/18 using standardised longline gear, established tagging techniques, and pop-up tags. This initial year will be used for exploration with particular emphasis on tagging efforts and habitat mapping, and the study will adhere to principles and guidance expressed in CM 41-01. In future years Read More
Soumis par:
Olav Rune Godø (Norvège)
Approuvé par:
Olav Rune Godø (Norvège)
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4.1 |
WG-SAM-17/07 Plus d'infos |
Research plan for the 2017/18 exploratory longline fishery of Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.2 Delegation of Ukraine
Ukraine proposes to conduct survey in three research blocks in Division 58.4.2 during the season 2017/18.
Soumis par:
Leonid Pshenichnov (Ukraine)
Approuvé par:
Kostiantyn Demianenko
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4.2.1 |
WG-SAM-17/08 Plus d'infos |
Continuation of multi-Member research on the Dissostichus spp. exploratory fishery in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) by Australia (notification ID 98422, 98423), France (94903, 94904), Japan (94886, 94887), Republic of Korea (94889, 94890) and Spain (94835) Delegations of Australia, France, Japan, Republic of Korea and Spain
Exploratory fishing for toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) began in 2003. Robust stock assessments and catch limits according to CCAMLR decision rules remain to be determined for these Divisions. WG-FSA-16/29 outlines the first multi-member toothfish exploratory fishery research plan for East Antarctica, including research objectives, Read More
Soumis par:
Peter Yates (Australia)
Approuvé par:
Dirk Welsford (Australia)
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4.2.1 |
WG-SAM-17/09 Plus d'infos |
Proposal for the extension of research block 48.6_2 T. Namba, T. Ichii and T. Okuda
Research block 48.6_2 is set in a limited part of the large-scale ridge which runs from northeast to southwest. The fishing vessels usually cannot complete sampling catch limit (CL) and accordingly they leave substantial amount of CL unfished in the research block because of limited spatial range and the low CPUE there. To enhance utilization of CL for stock assessment there, we would like to Read More
Soumis par:
Taro Ichii
Approuvé par:
Taro Ichii
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4.1 |
WG-SAM-17/10 Plus d'infos |
Update of analysis on sea-ice concentration of southern part of 48.6 and 58.4.2 for the new research block on expected spawning ground of TOA T. Namba, T. Ichii and T. Okuda
Following WG-SAM-16/42 Rev. 1, we updated the analysis on the sea-ice concentration of the period (2002-2017 until April) for 48.6_4 and 48.6_5. In addition, we also analyze the ice concentration of 58.4.2 to examine accessibility there for fishing vessels as candidate for a new research block. This research block is hypothesized as one of spawning grounds for TOA by Taki (WG-FSA-16/32 Rev. 1 Read More
Soumis par:
Taro Ichii
Approuvé par:
Taro Ichii
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4.1 |
WG-SAM-17/11 Plus d'infos |
Estimation and correction of migration-related bias in the tag-based stock assessment of Patagonian toothfish in Division 58.5.2 P. Burch, P. Ziegler, D. Welsford and C. Péron
Migration has the potential to violate the assumptions of tag recapture models used in the assessment of toothfish stocks. Evaluating the potential bias introduced into stock assessments and tag-based biomass estimates when the distributions of tagged fish, fishing effort and the underlying stock distribution are spatially heterogeneous is currently one of the highest priorities of the Read More
Soumis par:
Paul Burch (Australia)
Approuvé par:
Dirk Welsford (Australia)
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2.2 |
WG-SAM-17/12 Plus d'infos |
Estimating uncertainty in local biomass estimates of toothfish in CCAMLR in Subareas 58.4 and 48.6 research blocks L. Robinson, P. Burch and K. Reid
This study has used bootstrap methodology to quantify the uncertainty in toothfish biomass estimates from Chapman mark-recapture and the CPUE-by-seabed area methods in Research Blocks in Subareas 58.4 and 48.6. The Chapman mark-recapture point estimates and their confidence intervals were generally much larger than the point estimates and confidence intervals from the CPUE-by-seabed area Read More
Soumis par:
Lucy Robinson (Secrétariat de la CCAMLR)
Approuvé par:
Andrew Wright (Secrétariat de la CCAMLR)
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WG-SAM-17/13 Plus d'infos |
Assessing data requirements for tag-based estimates of local biomass in data-poor and exploratory fisheries L. Robinson, P. Burch and K. Reid
This study used an operating model to simulate a Dissostichus eleginoides population in Research Block 5843a_1 with a fixed exploitation rate and various tagging rate scenarios to assess the impact on the numbers of tagged fish recaptures and accuracy of tag-based estimates using the Chapman estimator. The results showed that tag-based biomass estimates obtained from a low numbers of Read More
Soumis par:
Lucy Robinson (Secrétariat de la CCAMLR)
Approuvé par:
Andrew Wright (Secrétariat de la CCAMLR)
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3 |
WG-SAM-17/15 Plus d'infos |
Format for reporting finfish research proposals of the Ukraine in Subarea 48.1 in 2018 (CM 24-01, para 3) Delegation of Ukraine
Submitted format for reporting finfish research proposals of the Ukraine in Subarea 48.1 in 2018.
Soumis par:
Leonid Pshenichnov (Ukraine)
Approuvé par:
Oleh Klochak (Ukraine)
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4.3.3 |
WG-SAM-17/16 Plus d'infos |
Format for reporting finfish research proposals of the Ukraine in Subarea 88.3 in 2018 (CM 24-01, para 3) Delegation of Ukraine
Submitted format for reporting finfish research proposals of the Ukraine in Subarea 88.3 in 2018.
Soumis par:
Leonid Pshenichnov (Ukraine)
Approuvé par:
Oleh Klochak (Ukraine)
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4.3.2 |
WG-SAM-17/17 Plus d'infos |
Plan of research program of the Ukraine in Subarea 48.1 in 2018 Delegation of Ukraine
Ukraine proposes to carry out a scientific survey of Dissostichus spp. by bottom longline in the eastern part of Subarea 48.1 with a partial (insignificant area) covering the area under investigation in Subareas 48.2 and 48.5.
Soumis par:
Leonid Pshenichnov (Ukraine)
Approuvé par:
Oleh Klochak (Ukraine)
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4.3.3 |
WG-SAM-17/18 Plus d'infos |
Demersal finfish distribution, abundance and their biological characteristics in Statistical Subareas 48.1 (northern part) and 48.2 (2018–2020) Delegation of Chile
The Republic of Chile completely revised its initial plan for a three-year project to study the distribution, abundance and biological characteristics of Antarctic demersal fish communities after the first survey had been undertaken in 2016. The revised proposal is planned to run from 2018 to 2020. Based on the experience gained in the first phase of research and recommendations made by WG-SAM Read More
Soumis par:
César Cárdenas
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César Cárdenas
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4.3.3 |
WG-SAM-17/19 Plus d'infos |
Plan of research program of Ukraine in Subarea 88.3 in 2018 Delegation of Ukraine
The research of Dissostichus in Subarea 88.3 carried out by Chile in 1998, New Zealand in 2005, Russia in 2011 and 2012 and the Republic of Korea in 2016. It was noted that no tagged fishes were recaptured during the previous research activities. Studies are planned to be conducted from January to April, as ice conditions permit. It is planned that the number of longline sets will be Read More
Soumis par:
Leonid Pshenichnov (Ukraine)
Approuvé par:
Oleh Klochak (Ukraine)
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4.3.2 |
WG-SAM-17/20 Plus d'infos |
Characterisation of the exploratory fishery on Dissostichus spp. between the 2004/05 and 2016/17 fishing seasons in Division 58.4.3.a J.-B. Lecomte, R. Sinegre, A. Rigaud and T. Okuda
Exploratory fishing in Division 58.4.3.a is conducted by two vessels using longlines: “Shinsei Maru No. 3” (Japan) and the “Saint André” (France), since 2012. Precautionary management arrangements are in place in Division 58.4.3.a (Conservation Measures 41-05 and 41-11), while data are collected to provide a robust stock assessment and catch limits. A research plan jointly written by France Read More
Soumis par:
Jean-Baptiste Lecomte (France)
Approuvé par:
Philippe Koubbi
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4.2.2 |
WG-SAM-17/21 Plus d'infos |
Research program to examine the life cycle and resource potential of Dissostichus species in the Special Research Zone within the Ross Sea region marine protected area (RSRMPA) in 2017–2027 Delegation of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation is going to continue investigation for toothfish in Ross Sea. The previous Russian program was undertaken in the Subarea 88.2 in 2010-2012. This paper presents the research program in the frame of the research and monitoring associated with the RSRMPA.
Russian research program have objectives to investigate the life-cycle, distribution and movement, Read More
Soumis par:
Svetlana Kasatkina (Fédération de Russie)
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Svetlana Kasatkina (Fédération de Russie)
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4.3.1 |
WG-SAM-17/22 Plus d'infos |
Plan of the research program of Russian Federation in Subarea 48.5 (Weddell Sea) in season 2017/18 Delegation of the Russian Federation
Closed mostly within the Weddell Sea Subarea 48.5 is one of the closed data-poor CCAMLR subareas, where stock assessment should be carried out. In spite of hard ice conditions at most part of the Sea during mostly all the year, this large water area is very similar to the Ross Sea. This similarity could be found in geographical location, bathymetric profile, currents system and follows from Read More
Soumis par:
Svetlana Kasatkina (Fédération de Russie)
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Svetlana Kasatkina (Fédération de Russie)
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4.3.3 |
WG-SAM-17/23 Plus d'infos |
Analysis of the toothfish fishery indices in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 when using different types of longline gears S. Kasatkina
The indices of exploratory toothfish fishery in the Subareas 881 and 88.2 for the period of 2010-2016 are considered. Taking into account the different number of hooks at longlines sets used at the fishery, the catch indices were normalized to 1000 hooks. The effect of the gear types (autoline, spanish, trotline) on the observed spatial-temporal variability of CPUE toothfish Read More
Soumis par:
Svetlana Kasatkina (Fédération de Russie)
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Svetlana Kasatkina (Fédération de Russie)
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4.3.1 |
WG-SAM-17/24 Plus d'infos |
Research longline fishing proposal for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.2 Delegation of Chile |
4.3.3 |
WG-SAM-17/25 Plus d'infos |
The preliminary report on the survey in Subarea 48.2 in 2017 (the third year of the planned 3-year-old investigations) Delegation of Ukraine
The third year survey and observations of Dissostichus spp. in statistical subarea 48.2 on board the Ukrainian vessel SIMEIZ were conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the Scientific Committee and Commission. The third year survey design was slightly amended in comparison with the one of the second year and approved by WGs SAM, FSA and SC CCAMLR. Read More
Soumis par:
Leonid Pshenichnov (Ukraine)
Approuvé par:
Kostiantyn Demianenko
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4.3.3 |
WG-SAM-17/26 Plus d'infos |
Proposal for continuation of the Ukrainian research survey in Subarea 48.2 in 2017/18 and 2018/19 seasons Delegation of Ukraine
The third year research survey of Ukraine in subarea 48.2 by the fishing vessel SIMEIZ is finished. Ukraine proposes to continue survey in same boundary in same design for the next 2 year.
Soumis par:
Leonid Pshenichnov (Ukraine)
Approuvé par:
Kostiantyn Demianenko
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4.3.3 |
WG-SAM-17/27 Plus d'infos |
Progress report on the Korean exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 in 2016/17 season S.-G. Choi, J. Lee, J. Lee and D. An
The research fishing was conducted in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 from 12 January 2017 to 14 March 2017 in 2016/17 fishing season. One additional national observer was on board to perform various scientific researches. The total catch of D. mawsoni was 153,084 kg with 4,360 individuals. The CPUE of D. mawsoni recorded 0.22 kg/hook. 805 individuals of D. mawsoni were Read More
Soumis par:
Seok-Gwan Choi (Corée, Rép. de)
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Seok-Gwan Choi (Corée, Rép. de)
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4.2.1 |
WG-SAM-17/28 Plus d'infos |
Progress report on the Korean research fishing by longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 88.3 in 2016/17 season S.-G. Choi, J. Lee, J. Lee and D. An
Korean research fishing was conducted in Subarea 88.3 from 11 January 2017 to 7 March 2017 in 2016/17 fishing season. The total number of fishing days are 38 of 56 days stayed in the fishing grounds. The total catch of D. mawsoni was 118,220 kg with 4,132 individuals, and their CPUE recorded 0.21 kg/hook. 957 individuals of D. mawsoni were tagged and released. Tagging rate Read More
Soumis par:
Seok-Gwan Choi (Corée, Rép. de)
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Seok-Gwan Choi (Corée, Rép. de)
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4.3.2 |
WG-SAM-17/29 Plus d'infos |
Ukrainian research proposal for the 2017/18 season in Subarea 88.1 Delegation of Ukraine
Ukraine proposes a plan for scientific research in Statistical Subarea 88.1 for vessels SIMEIZ, KOREIZ, CALIPSO, MARIGOLDS based on the provisions of paragraph 2 of Conservation Measure 91-05. Studies are expected to be conducted in the Special Research Zone (SRZ)
Soumis par:
Leonid Pshenichnov (Ukraine)
Approuvé par:
Kostiantyn Demianenko
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4.3.1 |
WG-SAM-17/30 Plus d'infos |
Scientific background document in support of the development of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) – Version 2017 – Reflection of the recommendations by WG-EMM-16 and SC-CAMLR-XXXV K. Teschke, H. Pehlke and T. Brey on behalf of the German Weddell Sea MPA (WSMPA) project team
The CAMLR Scientific Committee in 2016 reviewed three scientific background documents in support of the development of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea. Germany was asked to carry out further work, in particular regarding the issues and questions raised at WG-EMM-16 and SC-CAMLR-XXXV.
Here, the authors intend to update the CCAMLR Working Groups on the current state of the work carried Read More
Soumis par:
Katharina Teschke
Approuvé par:
Thomas Brey
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WG-SAM-17/31 Plus d'infos |
Phase-randomisation in an integrated assessment model for Antarctic krill D. Kinzey, G.M. Watters and C.S. Reiss
An integrated model was configured to estimate eighteen different subsets of 119 total parameters in alternative configurations of a model assessing the status and productivity of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba, hereafter krill). We fixed the parameters that were not estimated in any given configuration at pre-specified values. The model was fitted to survey and fisheries data for Read More
Soumis par:
Doug Kinzey
Approuvé par:
George Watters
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2.1 |
WG-SAM-17/32 Plus d'infos |
Incorporation of science advice from the CCAMLR working groups and Scientific Committee into the krill assessment model for Subarea 48.1 D. Kinzey, G.M. Watters and C.S. Reiss
The integrated assessment for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in CCAMLR Subarea 48.1 has been under development since 2010. Progress on the model during this period was reported in a series of papers and presentations to WG-EMM, WG-FSA and WG-SAM from 2011 to 2016. The full text of the recommendations extracted from the CCAMLR Scientific Committee reports regarding the integrated Read More
Soumis par:
Doug Kinzey
Approuvé par:
George Watters
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2.1 |
WG-SAM-17/33 Plus d'infos |
Results of 2016 pop-off satellite archival tagging of Antarctic toothfish in the Ross Sea region C.D. Jones and S.J. Parker
In 2016, scientists from the USA and New Zealand undertook a collaborative initiative to deploy pop-off satellite archival (PSAT) tags on Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) on the southern shelf (SSRUs 88.1M,J,L) and northern seamount (SSRUs 88.1B,C) areas of the Ross Sea region. The objectives were to characterize movement and habitat preferences, compare two different Read More
Soumis par:
Christopher Jones
Approuvé par:
George Watters
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4.3.1 |
WG-SAM-17/34 Plus d'infos |
Preliminary results from the first year of a three-year survey into the connectivity of toothfish species in Subareas 48.2 and 48.4 K. Olsson, M. Belchier and M. Söffker |
4.3.3 |
WG-SAM-17/35 Plus d'infos |
Sensitivities in the assessment of the Patagonian toothfish (D. eleginoides) in Subareas 48.3 and 48.4 to truncation of tagging data T. Earl
The assessment of toothfish in CCAMLR subarea 48.3 currently uses the first four years of tag recaptures post release as input data, whereas the assessment in subarea 48.4 uses all available recapture data (excluding in-year recaptures). A theoretical analysis of the use of data from double-tagged recaptures suggests that including recaptures from fish at liberty for long periods will Read More
Soumis par:
Marta Söffker (Union européenne)
Approuvé par:
Jane Rumble (Royaume-Uni)
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2.2 |
WG-SAM-17/36 Plus d'infos |
Comparison of bootstrap methods for assessment of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) in CCAMLR Statistical Subarea 48.3 based on the ground fish survey T. Earl and N. Fallon
The existing bootstrap used in the assessment of icefish biomass in CCAMLR subarea 48.3 was compared to an alternative rescaled bootstrap to compare the performance of the methods. The differences between the method were small (less than 5%) except for slightly lower 5%iles in 2002 and 2004 in the rescaled bootstrap.
Soumis par:
Marta Söffker (Union européenne)
Approuvé par:
Jane Rumble (Royaume-Uni)
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2.3 |
WG-SAM-17/37 Plus d'infos |
Developing robust biomass estimates and advice on catch limits in research blocks S.J. Parker, S. Mormede, A. Dunn, S.M. Hanchet and C. Marsh
In 2016, changes to the methods used by CCAMLR to estimate biomass in research blocks resulted in conflicting estimates of biomass between the CPUE by seabed area and the Chapman estimate. The Scientific Committee requested that the changes to the methods be reviewed, that scientific rational for the different biomass estimates be provided.
In this paper, we develop a modified CPUE by Read More
Soumis par:
Alistair Dunn (Nouvelle-Zélande)
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Alistair Dunn (Nouvelle-Zélande)
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3 |
WG-SAM-17/38 Plus d'infos |
Notification for scientific research in 2017/18: proposal to participate in research plan for Antarctic toothfish in Subarea 88.3 Delegation of New Zealand
New Zealand proposes to contribute to a multi-member research plan to sample the toothfish population in Subarea 88.3. Although this has been written as a stand-alone proposal, the intention is to develop a single co-ordinated research plan with Korea and any other members who may wish to conduct research in this subarea. There is considerable uncertainty about the abundance of Antarctic Read More
Soumis par:
Alistair Dunn (Nouvelle-Zélande)
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Alistair Dunn (Nouvelle-Zélande)
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4.3.2 |
WG-SAM-17/39 Plus d'infos |
Proposal to continue the time series of research surveys to monitor abundance of Antarctic toothfish in the southern Ross Sea, 2018–2022 S.M. Hanchet, K. Large, S.J. Parker, S. Mormede and A. Dunn
This paper proposes to continue the Ross Sea shelf toothfish survey for the next five years, 2018–2022. The first objective of the survey is to monitor toothfish recruitment in the southern Ross Sea (core strata). This is a continuation of the yearly time series of research surveys of these strata carried out since 2012. It is important to continue the time series as the data collected provide Read More
Soumis par:
Alistair Dunn (Nouvelle-Zélande)
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Alistair Dunn (Nouvelle-Zélande)
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4.3.1 |
WG-SAM-17/40 Plus d'infos |
Simulations to evaluate model performance for Antarctic toothfish stock assessment in the Amundsen Sea region S. Mormede and S. Parker
The Amundsen Sea region (ASR) is currently managed under a research plan, which has shown promising results to date, with 8 interseason tags recaptured in the South area in 2016 and 12 (preliminary recaptures) in 2017. The aim of this paper is to ascertain when the Amundsen Sea region stock assessment model is likely to provide management advice, and to investigate the effects of using either Read More
Soumis par:
Alistair Dunn (Nouvelle-Zélande)
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Alistair Dunn (Nouvelle-Zélande)
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2.2 |
WG-SAM-17/41 Plus d'infos |
Updating the 2017 stock assessment of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Ross Sea region S. Mormede and S. Parker
The Antarctic toothfish stock assessment for the Ross Sea region (Subareas 88.1 and 88.2AB) will be updated in 2017. The introduction of CM 91-05 (the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area) will require modifications to the previous method the estimation of catch splits in the calculation of precautionary yields. In addition, work will need to be carried out in the longer term that consider Read More
Soumis par:
Alistair Dunn (Nouvelle-Zélande)
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Alistair Dunn (Nouvelle-Zélande)
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2.2 |
WG-SAM-17/42 Plus d'infos |
The Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area Research and Monitoring Plan (WG-SAM 2017) A. Dunn, M. Vacchi and G. Watters
The Ross Sea region MPA Research and Monitoring Plan Workshop (WS-RMP) was held at the Palazzo Farnesina (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, MAECI) in Rome from 26–28 April 2017.
The purpose of the workshop was to develop a draft research and monitoring plan (RMP) for the Ross Sea region MPA. The RMP is required to be introduced to CCAMLR at the annual meetings Read More
Soumis par:
Alistair Dunn (Nouvelle-Zélande)
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Alistair Dunn (Nouvelle-Zélande)
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WG-SAM-17/43 Plus d'infos |
Research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 88.3 in 2017/18 Delegation of the Republic of Korea
The subarea 88.3 is a large area contained from 105° W to 70° W where has been closed to directed fishing following the results of a Chilean survey activities in 1998 (SC-CCAMLR-XVII/BG/7). Previous three research surveys conducted by the New Zealand and the Russian flagged vessels since 1998. It was noted that 8 D. Mawsoni were tagged by the New Zealand in the 2004/05 season and 123 Read More
Soumis par:
Seok-Gwan Choi (Corée, Rép. de)
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Seok-Gwan Choi (Corée, Rép. de)
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4.3.2 |
WG-SAM-17/44 Plus d'infos |
By-catch analysis as a part of progress report for the research fishery of Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.6 by Japan and South Africa during 2012/13–2016/17 T. Okuda, S. Somhlaba and T. Ichii
This paper reports the preliminary results of by-catch analysis as a part of progress report for the research fishery of Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.6 by Japan and South Africa during 2012/13–2016/17. We have used data set provided by CCAMLR secretariat on 10th May, 2017.
Although the by-catch occurred in most longline research operations, the number of by-catch Read More
Soumis par:
Takehiro Okuda
Approuvé par:
Taro Ichii
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4.1 |
WG-SAM-17/45 Plus d'infos |
By-catch analysis as a part of progress report for the research fishery of Dissostichus spp. in Divisions 58.4.3a and 58.4.4b by Japan and France during 2012/13–2016/17 T. Okuda, A. Rigaud, R. Sinegre and T. Ichii
This paper reports the preliminary results of by-catch analysis as a part of progress report for the research fishery of Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.3a and 58.4.4b by Japan and France during 2012/13–2016/17. We have used extracted data provided by CCAMLR secretariat on 2nd June, 2017.
Although the by-catch occurred in most longline research operations, the Read More
Soumis par:
Takehiro Okuda
Approuvé par:
Taro Ichii
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4.2.2 |
WG-SAM-17/46 Plus d'infos |
Preliminary investigation of fish movement in Subarea 48.6 S. Somhlaba, R. Leslie, T. Okuda, T. Ichii and D. Yemane |
4.1 |
WG-SAM-17/47 Plus d'infos |
An update on using the CCAMLRGIS R package to create polygon data and access data on the CCAMLR online GIS CCAMLR Secretariat
To facilitate access to spatial data for use in analyses and generating graphics (i.e. maps) in R the CCAMLRGIS R package has been upgraded to provide direct access to polygon data that can be viewed on the online GIS. This package can also be used to create polygon data that can either be used directly in R or be output as shapefiles that can be loaded into other programs and/or back onto the Read More
Soumis par:
Lucy Robinson (Secrétariat de la CCAMLR)
Approuvé par:
Andrew Wright (Secrétariat de la CCAMLR)
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