Ordre du jour
Ordre du jour préliminaire
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Day 1 encompasses both observed and predicted climate change effects on Antarctic marine living resources (AMLR), combined effects/risks of climate change and fisheries, and climate change risks for fisheries. Papers are encouraged that summarise i) relevant climate change information, ii) application of this to AMLR and the CCAMLR context and iii) approaches to measure and predict the effects of climate change on AMLR, and implications for fisheries. The papers and discussion should enable relevant climate change effects on AMLR to be identified together with scientific research priorities and needs.
Jess Melbourne-Thomas and Dr Tom Bracegirdle)
Day 2 is focused on identifying and discussing potential approaches to integrate climate change considerations into the management of AMLR. Papers that consider how climate change effects are or could be addressed by management both inside and outside the Convention Area are welcome. The papers and discussion should provide examples of potential management actions.
resources (Dr Anne Hollowed)
Day 3 is focused on the mechanisms to improve acquisition, input, and use, of climate-relevant scientific information into CCAMLR’s work programme. Papers that consider information, including data collection, monitoring and metrics, needed to support CCAMLR’s management decisions, and ways to integrate these into CCAMLR’s Scientific Committee work processes are welcome. The papers and discussion should enable mechanisms to structure and integrate climate change information into CCAMLR procedures to be identified, together with priorities and implementation needs.
on climate change throughout CCAMLR’s work program
Outline of 5-day regional hub workshop structure
Days 1 to 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | |
NZ Hub (Wellington) |
2100 to 0000 UTC 3 to 5 September (0900 to 1200 NZST on 4 to 6 September) |
7 September No meeting Report review |
8 September Report adoption |
UK Hub (Cambridge)
Plenary |
0600 to 0900 UTC 4 to 6 September (0700 to 1000 BST on 4 to 6 September)
1000 to 1200 UTC 4 to 6 September |