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    Fishing with pots in the Antarctic region (CCAMLR Statistical Subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 88.3)

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    Results of the February-March 1998 exploratory and experimental fishing operations using pots are described. This research took place during the New Fisheries Project carried out by Chile, with the purpose of determining the presence of Dissostichus spp. in Subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 88.3. In each location where industrial bottom longlines were used, six pots were lowered, three at each end of the fishing gear, with a distance of approximately 90 m between them. The pots were lowered at a depth of 290-1 920 m. A total of 300 pots of four different designs were used. Approximately 1 kg of either whole salted sardines (Sardinops sagax) or squid (Illex argentinus) were used. According to total weight obtained with pots, the main resources were Antarctic crab (Paralomis anemerae) (28%), striped-eyed rockcod (Lepidonotothen kempi) (1 7%), eel pout (Lycenchelys bellingshauseni) (1 3%) and smalleye moray cod (Muraenolepis microps) (11%). Regarding the number of individuals caught, most were amphipods (55%), Antarctic crab (P. anemerae) with 110.7 g/pot, striped-eye rockcod (L. kempi) with 67.4 g/pot and eelpout (L. bellingshauseni) with 51.2 g/pot. In general, P. anemerae was captured in all researched subareas, with a higher yield in Subarea 48.2 (548.8 g/pot).