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    Full Name
    Segunda Reunión del Comité Científico
    Hobart, Australia
    Fecha y hora del inicio de la reunión:
    Fecha y hora del fin de la reunión:
    Informe de la reunión:
    s-sc-ii.pdf (1.94 MB)


      Número de documento Nombre Punto(s) de la agenda
      Mostrar menos información
      Provisional Agenda
      Mostrar menos información
      Temporary Rules of Procedure
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      SC-CAMLR-II/03/Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      Rules of Procedure
      Mostrar menos información
      Activities of the Scientific Committee Arising From Articles IX, XV and XX of the Convention
      SC-CAMLR-II/05/Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      Establishment of Subsidiary Bodies of the Scientific Committee
      Mostrar menos información
      Detection of Possible Indirect Effects of Harvesting and Associated Activities on the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem
      Mostrar menos información
      Proposals for the Establishment of Subsidiary Bodies of the Scientific Committee
      Mostrar menos información
      Draft Report of the Scientific Committee
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 01
      Mostrar menos información
      Annotated Agenda
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 02
      Mostrar menos información
      Selection Criteria and Monitoring Requirements for Indirect Indications of Changes in the Availability of Antarctic Krill Applied to Some Pinniped and Seabird Information
      Delegation of the USA
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 03
      Mostrar menos información
      Trends in Crabeater Seal’s Age at Maturity: an Insight into Antarctic Marine Interaction?
      Delegations of the UK and USA
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 04
      Mostrar menos información
      Modelling: The Application of a Research Tool to Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Delegation of the USA
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 05
      Mostrar menos información
      Use of the Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZC5) for Remote Sensing of Antarctic Waters
      Delegation of the USA
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 06
      Mostrar menos información
      Satellite Data and Imagery for Antarctic Investigations
      Delegation of the USA
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 07
      Mostrar menos información
      CCAMLR Data Management Discussion Paper
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 08
      Mostrar menos información
      Systema de busqueda y recopilacion de datos biologico – pesqueros de las pesquerias nacionales
      Delegación de Chile
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 09
      Mostrar menos información
      Proposed Activities of Japanese Antarctic Research Vessels 1983–1984
      Delegation of Japan
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 10
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Ad Hoc Group on Data Collection and Handling
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 11/Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      Preliminary Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Publication Matters


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      SC-CAMLR-II/01 Provisional Agenda
      SC-CAMLR-II/02 Temporary Rules of Procedure
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      SC-CAMLR-II/03/Rev. 1 Rules of Procedure
      SC-CAMLR-II/04 Activities of the Scientific Committee Arising From Articles IX, XV and XX of the Convention
      SC-CAMLR-II/05/Rev. 1 Establishment of Subsidiary Bodies of the Scientific Committee
      SC-CAMLR-II/06 Detection of Possible Indirect Effects of Harvesting and Associated Activities on the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem
      SC-CAMLR-II/07 Proposals for the Establishment of Subsidiary Bodies of the Scientific Committee
      SC-CAMLR-II/08 Draft Report of the Scientific Committee
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 01 Annotated Agenda
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 02 Selection Criteria and Monitoring Requirements for Indirect Indications of Changes in the Availability of Antarctic Krill Applied to Some Pinniped and Seabird Information
      Delegation of the USA
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 03 Trends in Crabeater Seal’s Age at Maturity: an Insight into Antarctic Marine Interaction?
      Delegations of the UK and USA
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 04 Modelling: The Application of a Research Tool to Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Delegation of the USA
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 05 Use of the Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZC5) for Remote Sensing of Antarctic Waters
      Delegation of the USA
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 06 Satellite Data and Imagery for Antarctic Investigations
      Delegation of the USA
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 07 CCAMLR Data Management Discussion Paper
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 08 Systema de busqueda y recopilacion de datos biologico – pesqueros de las pesquerias nacionales
      Delegación de Chile
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 09 Proposed Activities of Japanese Antarctic Research Vessels 1983–1984
      Delegation of Japan
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 10 Report of Ad Hoc Group on Data Collection and Handling
      SC-CAMLR-II/INF. 11/Rev. 1 Preliminary Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Publication Matters