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Full Name
Comité Permanente de Ejecución y Cumplimiento
Hobart, Australia
Fecha y hora del inicio de la reunión:
Fecha y hora del fin de la reunión:
Informe de la reunión:
s-cc-xxx-a6.pdf (140.93 KB)


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    1     Opening of the meeting
    1.1     Adoption of the agenda

    The agenda for the meeting will be considered and adopted.


    1.2     Organisation of the meeting

    The organisation of the meeting will be decided taking into account the time available and the proposed structure for the Committee’s deliberations.


    1.3     Review of submitted papers, reports and other presentations

    The Secretariat will present a summary list of documents submitted to SCIC which will be provisionally subdivided by agenda item.  The Committee will consider the list of papers and any additional presentations proposed by Members.  The Committee with then prioritise discussion of papers taking into account the time available, the meeting workload and the agenda.


    2     Review of compliance and implementation-related measures and policies
    2.1     Compliance with conservation measures in force

    The Secretariat will present a summary of reports received from Members on the implementation of compliance-related provisions of conservation measures in force during 2010/11, including licensing of vessels, the System of Inspection, transhipment reports, the operation of C-VMS reporting, new and exploratory notifications and environmental and mitigation measures.

    The Secretariat will also present a summary of at-sea inspections undertaken, the results of these inspections and comments received from Flag States.  Flag States will be invited to present additional information, if any, with respect to inspections undertaken.  The Committee will review the operation of the System of Inspection and consider any proposals received on the improvement of the System.

    The Committee will review and assess Contracting Parties’ implementation of, and compliance with, conservation measures adopted by the Commission.


    2.2     Compliance evaluation procedure

    The Convener for the Development of a Compliance Evaluation Procedure (DOCEP) Group will report on intersessional work undertaken during 2011 on the further development of a compliance evaluation procedure (CCAMLR-XXIX/17, paragraph 13).

    The Committee will review the results of intersessional work undertaken in 2011 and make recommendations to the Commission in respect of future work (CCAMLR-XXIX/17, paragraph 14).  


    2.3     Proposals for new and revised measures

    The Committee will consider any proposals for the revision of current compliance-related conservation measures or the adoption of any new measures.  If new measures are proposed, the Committee will prepare a draft of the measure and submit it for further consideration by the Commission.  


    3     IUU fishing in the Convention Area
    3.1     Current level of IUU fishing

    The Committee will consider reports from the Secretariat and WG-FSA on current levels of IUU catches in the Convention Area.  The Committee will review the estimates and trends in IUU fishing activities in the Convention Area and will consider whether the current enforcement measures effectively meet their objectives on the elimination of IUU fishing from the Convention Area (CCAMLR-XXIX, paragraphs 9.1 to 9.5).  


    3.2     IUU Vessel Lists

    The Committee will review reports submitted by Contracting and non-Contracting Parties on measures they have taken to avoid any undermining of the effectiveness of CCAMLR conservation measures resulting from activities of their vessels included in the IUU Vessel Lists adopted in 2010.  

    The Committee will review comments and information received on any vessels included in the Provisional List of IUU vessels for 2011 in accordance with Conservation Measures 10-06 and 10-07.

    The Committee will prepare recommendations to the Commission in respect of any vessels to be retained on the Proposed List of IUU Vessels for 2011 and on any vessels which could be removed from the IUU Vessel Lists adopted in 2010.


    4     Catch Documentation Scheme (CDS)

    The Committee will consider the operation of the CDS during 2010/11.  The Committee will also consider any actions which could be undertaken in order to improve the efficiency of the CDS.  


    5     Advice from the Scientific Committee

    The Committee will receive preliminary advice from the Chair of the Scientific Committee containing comments and recommendations of the Scientific Committee which relate to compliance and enforcement issues.  


    6     Scheme of International Scientific Observation

    The Committee will consider advice from the Scientific Committee on the operational requirements of the scheme for the 2010/11 season.

    Taking into account any advice from the Scientific Committee, the Committee will also consider whether revision is required of any of the operational aspects of the scheme.


    7     Performance review

    The Committee will review any progress made during 2010/11 in relation to the CCAMLR Performance Review and forward the results of its deliberations to the Commission (CCAMLR-XXIX, paragraphs 15.4 and 15.5).


    8     Other business

    The Committee will consider and prepare advice to the Commission on any other business, including additional requests received from the Commission at the meeting.  


    9     Advice to SCAF

    Any aspect of the Committee’s advice with financial implications will be forwarded directly to SCAF.


    10     Advice to the Commission

    The Secretariat will present a summary of advice to the Commission prepared during this meeting for appending to the SCIC report.


    11     Adoption of the report and close of the meeting

    The report of the meeting will be adopted and the 2011 meeting of the Committee will be closed.