Understanding of the dynamics of the Antarctic krill fishery and the krill population played an important role in the feed-back management of krill fishery. The CPUE data collected from the Chinese F/V Fu Rong Hai from 2012/13 to 2016/17 fishing seasons were used to describe the temporal and spatial dynamics of the population and the fishery of krill in CCAMLR Subarea 48.1. The acoustic data collected from the fishing season of 2015/16 was also used to show the development of the krill population. In most fishing seasons, krill abundances were found higher in autumn than that of in summer. In autumn, the fishing activity usually concentrated in the middle of the Bransfield strait Acoustic data showed similar dynamics of the krill in the Bransfield strait with CPUE data in the 2015/16 fishing season.
Spatio-temporal dynamics of the Antarctic krill fishery in Subarea 48.1 based on data collected on board F/V Fu Rong Hai
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Presentado por:
Dr Yi-Ping Ying
Aprobado por:
Dr Xianyong Zhao (China)
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