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    Full Name
    Third Special Meeting of the Commission
    Santiago, Chile
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Submissions Due
    Friday, 5 May 2023 - 09:00 Australia/Hobart (Working Paper)
    Saturday, 20 May 2023 - 09:00 Australia/Hobart (Background Paper)
    Meeting Report:


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      Draft conservation measure for a Weddell Sea Marine Protected Area – Phase 1
      Delegations of the EU and its Member States, Norway, Uruguay, Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, the USA, Republic of Korea, India, Ukraine and Chile
      More Info
      Draft conservation measure for an East Antarctic Marine Protected Area
      Delegations of Australia, the European Union and its Member States, India, New Zealand, Norway, Republic of Korea, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the USA and Uruguay
      More Info
      CCAMLR marine protected areas: multiple objectives for a representative system
      Delegation of the EU and its Member States
      More Info
      MPA Management and Research and Monitoring Plans: Objectives, key elements and linkages
      Delegation of the EU and its Member States
      More Info
      Proposal on the way forward for CCAMLR MPA Process
      Delegation of the People’s Republic of China
      More Info
      Revised proposal for a Conservation Measure establishing a Marine Protected Area in Domain 1 (Western Antarctic Peninsula and South Scotia Arc)
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      More Info
      Draft amendment to Conservation Measures CM 91-04 (2011) General Framework for the establishment of CCAMLR Marine Protected Areas
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      More Info
      Comments on the status of the South Orkney Islands southern shelf Marine Protected Area (SOISS MPA)
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      More Info
      Comments and suggestions on the draft Ross Sea region MPA Research and Monitoring Plan
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      More Info
      Suggestions for establishing Marine Protected Areas in the CCAMLR Convention Area: regulation of the uniform process for establishing MPAs and the Commission’s management of MPAs
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      More Info
      Proposal for a roadmap to advance in the process of developing a representative system of marine protected areas in the Convention Area
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      More Info
      Developing SMART criteria, with baselines and decision rules, to evaluate CCAMLR MPAs
      Delegation of the USA
      More Info
      The methodology used for WSMPA Phase 2 and some recommendations to assist in future CCAMLR MPA planning
      Delegation of Norway
      More Info
      Candidate SMART criteria, with baselines and decision rules, for the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area
      G.M. Watters
      More Info
      Collation of existing CCAMLR documents and discussions on marine protected areas
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      Great Expectations: Moving towards consensus on CCAMLR MPAs in 2023
      Submitted by ASOC
      More Info
      From Bremerhaven to Santiago: Reflections on CCAMLR MPA discussions
      Submitted by ASOC
      More Info
      Marine Protected Areas and the original meaning of the CAMLR Convention
      Submitted by ASOC
      More Info
      The Oceanographic Institute, Foundation Albert I, Prince of Monaco – Statement of intent and commitment
      Submitted by ASOC
      More Info
      Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area Research and Monitoring Plan
      Delegations of New Zealand and Italy
      More Info
      The importance of marine protected areas in enhancing ecosystem resilience to climate change impacts
      Submitted by SCAR
      More Info
      Comments on CCAMLR MPA process: the need for overarching targets
      Submitted by ARK


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      1     Welcome, adoption of the agenda, introductory remarks and organisation of the meeting

      The Chair of the Commission will welcome delegates from CCAMLR Members, Observers from CCAMLR Acceding States, Observers from non-Contracting Parties (NCPs) and international organisations invited in accordance with the decision taken last year (CCAMLR-41, paragraph 5.59 and Annex 6).
      The Commission will note the objective and terms of reference for this extraordinary meeting of the Commission on spatial planning and marine protected areas, and other background information presented in CCAMLR-41, Annex 6.
      The Commission will adopt its agenda, noting that the preliminary and provisional agendas were prepared and distributed in accordance with Rules 15 and 17 of the Commission’s Rules of Procedure.
      The Commission will consider the organisation of the meeting, including provision within the schedule for plenary sessions, working groups on specific topics and report preparation/adoption.

      2     Best practices and evaluation of the lessons learned and effectiveness of the overall conservation measures related to marine protected areas already adopted by CCAMLR
      3     How the adopted general framework for the establishment of CCAMLR marine protected areas (MPAs) (CM 91-04 (2011)) could be improved
      4     How to progress the MPA proposals

      The Commission will consider this topic and relevant background and working papers.

      CCAMLR-SM-III/01 Draft conservation measure for a Weddell Sea Marine Protected Area – Phase 1
      Delegations of the EU and its Member States, Norway, Uruguay, Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, the USA, Republic of Korea, India, Ukraine and Chile
      CCAMLR-SM-III/02 Draft conservation measure for an East Antarctic Marine Protected Area
      Delegations of Australia, the European Union and its Member States, India, New Zealand, Norway, Republic of Korea, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the USA and Uruguay
      CCAMLR-SM-III/03 CCAMLR marine protected areas: multiple objectives for a representative system
      Delegation of the EU and its Member States
      CCAMLR-SM-III/06 Revised proposal for a Conservation Measure establishing a Marine Protected Area in Domain 1 (Western Antarctic Peninsula and South Scotia Arc)
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      CCAMLR-SM-III/09 Comments and suggestions on the draft Ross Sea region MPA Research and Monitoring Plan
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      CCAMLR-SM-III/12 Developing SMART criteria, with baselines and decision rules, to evaluate CCAMLR MPAs
      Delegation of the USA
      CCAMLR-SM-III/13 The methodology used for WSMPA Phase 2 and some recommendations to assist in future CCAMLR MPA planning
      Delegation of Norway
      CCAMLR-SM-III/BG/01 Candidate SMART criteria, with baselines and decision rules, for the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area
      G.M. Watters
      CCAMLR-SM-III/BG/03 Great Expectations: Moving towards consensus on CCAMLR MPAs in 2023
      Submitted by ASOC
      CCAMLR-SM-III/BG/04 From Bremerhaven to Santiago: Reflections on CCAMLR MPA discussions
      Submitted by ASOC
      CCAMLR-SM-III/BG/05 Marine Protected Areas and the original meaning of the CAMLR Convention
      Submitted by ASOC
      CCAMLR-SM-III/BG/06 The Oceanographic Institute, Foundation Albert I, Prince of Monaco – Statement of intent and commitment
      Submitted by ASOC
      CCAMLR-SM-III/BG/07 Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area Research and Monitoring Plan
      Delegations of New Zealand and Italy
      CCAMLR-SM-III/BG/09 Comments on CCAMLR MPA process: the need for overarching targets
      Submitted by ARK
      6     Other business

      The Commission will consider any other business.

      7     Adoption of the report of the Third Special Meeting of the Commission.

      The Commission will adopt its report.

      Preliminary schedule (last updated: 22 June 2023)

      Please note that only the plenary sessions will be streamed on Zoom.

      Day 1 Monday 19 June

      Time Event Lacation
      0900–1030 Heads of Delegation

      (not streamed)
      1030–1100 Morning Tea Foyer
      1100–1230 Plenary – Item 1 Nordamerica
      1230–1400 Lunch -
      1400–1530 Plenary – Items 2 & 3 Nordamerica
      1530–1600 Afternoon Tea Foyer
      1600–1730 Plenary – Items 2 & 3 Nordamerica


      Day 2 Tuesday 20 June

      Time Event Location
      0900–1030 Informal group – Topic 1 Nordamerica
      1030–1100 Morning Tea Foyer
      1100–1230 Informal group – Topic 2 Nordamerica
      1230–1400 Lunch -
      1400–1430 Plenary – Topics 1 and 2 Nordamerica
      1430-1545 Informal group - Topic 1 Nordamerica
      1545–1615 Afternoon Tea Foyer
      1615-1745 Informal group - Topic 2 Nordamerica


      Day 3 Wednesday 21 June

      Time Event Location
      0900–1030 Informal group – Topic 4 Nordamerica
      1030–1100 Morning Tea Foyer
      1100–1230 Informal group – Topic 3 Nordamerica
      1230–1400 Lunch -
      1400–1530 Plenary – Topic 4 Nordamerica
      1530–1600 Afternoon Tea Foyer
      1600–1730 Plenary – Topic 3 Nordamerica


      Day 4 Thursday 22 June

      Time Event Location
      0900–1030 Informal group – Topic 4 Nordamerica
      1030–1115 Morning Tea Foyer
      1115–1245 Plenary – Topic 4 Nordamerica
      1245–1400 Lunch -
      1400–1530 Plenary Nordamerica
      1530–1600 Afternoon Tea Foyer
      1600–1730 Plenary Nordamerica